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mini truckin cribs...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Psycopath   +1y
bought my first house 2yrs ago, 900sq foot redid everything all crazy, every room a different bold color, lots of chrome furniture. coffee table made out of a chrome 18x9 rim with glass top, living room wall half smashed down with plastered edges then airbrushed to look like it burnt down, dub city cars everywhere. Arborite kitchen countertop to look like angle grinder marks. bathroom is all blk&wht checkered with full pinstriped toilet. skate park and ping pong in basement. 3 car fully developed and heated 800sq foot garage and a cover all garage. enough driveway space for 6 cars.
gotta love canadian prarie housing prices.
chevygurly   +1y
Originally posted by Psycopath

bought my first house 2yrs ago, 900sq foot redid everything all crazy, every room a different bold color, lots of chrome furniture. coffee table made out of a chrome 18x9 rim with glass top, living room wall half smashed down with plastered edges then airbrushed to look like it burnt down, dub city cars everywhere. Arborite kitchen countertop to look like angle grinder marks. bathroom is all blk&wht checkered with full pinstriped toilet. skate park and ping pong in basement. 3 car fully developed and heated 800sq foot garage and a cover all garage. enough driveway space for 6 cars.gotta love canadian prarie housing prices.

are you for real?
i live at home with the rents and i had a little closet of a room but now its full of bags, compressors, airline, posters, my fourlink, control arms, and shit like that. i leave my tore apart mini at my grandparents house on a concrete slab that i work on. soon as i get it running, will save my money up to put down on a place of my own so i can start on my next project. a belair bagged and bd'd. should be able to find a pretty good job with a auto degree and a welding degree.

detached   +1y
well for now i live at home with my mom & my siblings, i pay rent, i practically own half the garage & my mom bitches that i dont own the drive way yet. i have my 4 rides parked all over the house, one on the side yard, one in the garage, one in the driveway & one on the patio, my bedroom is half oriental & half mini inspired, when i clean up some more ill put up pics of my old rides & shit. then ive got various parts wheels layin around and shit so i feel yalls pain on lack of room as i have maybe a 2ft walk space around my bed.
TwistedMinis   +1y
2 feet! Damn player. Lol. I've pretty much just got a walkway. And everything is stacked up tall. I got my carpet and headliner in here. My one piece rear glass, my new grill, headlight surrounds, bumper, and my whole stereo. Not to mention a bunch of other small stuff in boxes. Headlights, billet mirrors, billet window cranks, shaved handle kit, shock relocators, a compressor, polished valve cover and a bunch of trophies. Lol. Chicks don't dig it much.
DooredFord   +1y
Live at home with the parents. Only 19 though. Garage is full of parts off my truck and the truck stays there (when I get it back from SFBD and shave) - they dont bother me i dont bother them really cept still borrow money here and there cuz im alwas broke cuz of the truck. I'll prolly move out end of the year or when paint and interior is finished. not moving out till the trucks done haha its the only way i can afford it is living at home. Gotta finish what i started.
FluffyFreak   +1y
i live with my mom. i pretty much have run of the house tho as long as i keep it clean and do yardwork and clean the pool >which is a bitch right now cuz monsson season is herethe neighbors love that!
FluffyFreak   +1y
oh yea im still in school and housin here in the bur-town is gettin outrageous and the pay is shitty
detached   +1y
Edited: 7/6/2006 1:27:13 AM by DETACHED

Originally posted by blazedbowtie82

2 feet! Damn player. Lol. I've pretty much just got a walkway. And everything is stacked up tall. I got my carpet and headliner in here. My one piece rear glass, my new grill, headlight surrounds, bumper, and my whole stereo. Not to mention a bunch of other small stuff in boxes. Headlights, billet mirrors, billet window cranks, shaved handle kit, shock relocators, a compressor, polished valve cover and a bunch of trophies. Lol. Chicks don't dig it much.

i hear ya, my x didnt like having to battle walking thru the room with the rear skin/tailgate in my room leaned against the wall or the rims & clothes in the baskets she also bitched about the drawers being full of car parts
corey0814   +1y
my wife always wants us to get another place cause my shop is bigger than the house. 1800 square foot shop and only a 1200 sq ft 3 bedroom house! the house is a 2 story too so it looks even smaller!

i guess women will never truely understand; right?!?