We had a problem with AirLift bags about a year ago, and they revised the way the bands are crimped on. Since they made the change, we've sold about 100 AirLift bags, and this is one of only a few bags from the newer batches that have failed. I think it has a lot to do with the higher pressures and added weight this vehicle is putting on the system.
On the bright side, they'll warranty them out as long as they aren't rubbed, but I know that's not as good as just not having them fail in the first place.
If someone calls to order a bag kit, you better believe we're trying to talk him into the best stuff he can afford! But if someone is dead-set on a budget, it's hard to get them to pop for the Zenith and Slams... it sucks, but some people have to learn the hard way!
-Phil at FBI