the japanese bed looks like the old datsuns (with the lip at the top of the bed rails & the hooks on the side) & the american bed is just the flat sheetmetal sides.
mine started with the japanese short bed & i put an amreican long bed on it. if you're going to put the 4x4 bed on it; i'm not 100% sure, but i think they only come in long beds. when i did mine i had to extend the frame (which was easy since i back halfed it) & i had to use the stock 4x4 carrier bearing xmember & the 2 piece driveline which had to be shortened 1.5" it was a lot of work, but i love the way it looks. i'll put new pics up in my profile after i take it out to summer slam in a couple weeks.
as far as the 4x4 fenders, they'll bolt right up, but your stock bumper won't fit anymore. also the 93-95 4runner grille & headlights fit with only minor trimming of the core support, but personally i never thought it looked quite right with such a smooth rounded grille against square, boxy marker lamps (but it's your toy & build it how YOU want it)
sorry for the small novel & hopefully some of this is useful...hit me up if you have any more q's...