Originally posted by draggingtb
well, i'm trying to do it myself. AFTER I learn some about it. i know better than just hack at it with a sand blaster. if after i learn, i still don't th ink i can accomplish it, then yes, i'll take it somewhere
well here is your lesson, typical sandblasters are gravity fed and hook up to a home compressor which has to be decent sized because of the amount of air needed to make them work. Soda blasting is usually done in an enclosed shop with dust removal systems in place.They also use special equipment and processes that simply cant be duplicated in your home garage. its ok to want to do everything yourself but its not a big deal to drop stuff off to be blasted versus doing it yourself, just fork up the cash and get it done and you will thank yourself in the long run from all the time you will save and all the work you wont have to do.