WHY are you minitruckers so afraid of the sleeve style bags? The double convoluted bags have a really high spring rate, which makes them great for an a-arm front end or on the bars of a 4-link. But to use the double convoluted bags directly on top of the rear end has finally been proven as less satisfactory. Still, some of you who are on a budget will opt for the "on top of the axle" method (with a double convoluted part of course.) But the 140-95 Tapered part is a FAR superior part for directly on top of the axle. As a matter of fact, Firestone and Ford, together, designed the 140-95 part to be used on top of the axle. Ford uses them on all of there factory air-bagged trucks.
So tell me, why are you minitruckers so afraid of the sleeve bags? I promise I won't attack any one with an honest answer, I am very curious. I install them on just about every old car we do and we never have had a bag fail.
BTW- because they suck isn't an honest answer.