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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  2000 honda civic SI stolen

2000 honda civic SI stolen

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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tisz1   +1y
^^ you sure your not thinking of the movie "liar liar" - lol
Lucky   +1y
where do you think that came from ?
idminitrucker (jason)   +1y
Originally posted by solows10

yea i had my SI doin 145 no problem and that was at around 7000 rpm and red line was 8200 so i couldve went faster but it would have to be down hill. and they were on 96 i thing it was when they wrecked

I got my si to like 151 and it was redlined in 5th so I figure that is about as fast as it would go it bounced of the limiter once, that was good enough for me, it was a nice flat long road at around 2 am. Oh an I feel your loss mine was stolen out of my back yard and somebody beat the shit out of it with a slegde hammer the cops would never tell me who they thought did it.
idminitrucker (jason)   +1y
Edited: 12/6/2006 6:44:54 AM by IDMINITRUCKER

Here is a before and after.

post photo
post photo
SmokinCamel   +1y
Originally posted by jbaker72157

wrapped around a tree @ 120-130 and they were able to get out and run off? My thoughts tho man, goodluck wit the s10
solows10   +1y
guys all i know is there was nobody in the car. maybe he had someone following and they picked em up and did what ever i dont know.
mtm   +1y
that sucks man, i like si civics. Did you have full coverage?
dirkbelt   +1y
i feel ya man i just had my truck stolen 2 months ago u prolly seen the thread,i just spend a butt load of money on it and it got stolen the day i got it back from the shop,its the holiday season and the theivs are out 2 make some eaisy money,just keep ur head up and fix up that s-10 and dont look back,i had 2 buy a new truck
SlamChevy   +1y
Is it just me or does that car look pretty good for hittin a tree at 120?
lowrthnu92   +1y
Edited: 12/6/2006 3:57:46 PM by lowrthnu92

na thats not the one that hit the tree

go back and actually read the post