im just wondering how many other people have had trouble getting there wheels. i bought mine a month and a week ago, paid for and everything, granted i did get 2 townastys. but they were just classic holes! well a week goes by i get nothing, then that following week i get my adapters. (when trevor was on vacation) well he gets back and that folowing monday he says he shiped out my fronts. i finally got the tracking number after 3 days and they were supposed to be in last wensday. well one never shipped. then i had to call and they are supposed to be in tomorrow. but one is still in oklahoma, and the other is in albequrqe new mexico. so i doubt they will be here tomorrow. plus he said he shipped my townsatys out last friday, i still havent got a tracking number. and i doubt ups has even seen them!! well im getting pretty mad. THIS ISNT A LOW BLOW ANT TENNESSE WHEEL AND TIRE. im just fed up with calling every week to find out where something is. he doesnt answer my pm's on here. and seems to answer my calls rarely.
you know if he didnt get all the money in the first 2 day, 4300 off a debit card so he got the money right then. if i still owed him like 1-2g's i could see why its taken so long. but i dont owe anything.
sorry trevor if it seems like im bad mouthing you, i didnt mean to im just frustrated.
so has anyone else had this much trouble getting wheels?
josh in new mexico