i havent seen his setup but from wat i understand its not a real big company and just say there 3 guys or so working and one takes leave you loose 33 percent of youre workforce .
i believe lock is true to his word when he saying hes working his ass of you better go by his shop every once in a while and feed him some while hes fidling away on his equipment or he droppes where hes standing from lacking nutriants and you never get youre wheels .
hes one of the nicest persons to do business in the states sofar , hes fast on the reply email and he's actually pretty resonable on the prices hes handling .
cnc machines work verry acurately and fast if you compare it to machining the wheels by hand and you dont have to babysit the machine while it works for you ( most of the time at least ) but it still takes quite some time from start to finisch when you do a complete wheel and its not eazy to overtake 2 weeks in backorder when the machines are making overhours allready