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General Discussion \  trouble getting my semi's!!!!!!

trouble getting my semi's!!!!!!

General Discussion
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sick82   +1y
im just wondering how many other people have had trouble getting there wheels. i bought mine a month and a week ago, paid for and everything, granted i did get 2 townastys. but they were just classic holes! well a week goes by i get nothing, then that following week i get my adapters. (when trevor was on vacation) well he gets back and that folowing monday he says he shiped out my fronts. i finally got the tracking number after 3 days and they were supposed to be in last wensday. well one never shipped. then i had to call and they are supposed to be in tomorrow. but one is still in oklahoma, and the other is in albequrqe new mexico. so i doubt they will be here tomorrow. plus he said he shipped my townsatys out last friday, i still havent got a tracking number. and i doubt ups has even seen them!! well im getting pretty mad. THIS ISNT A LOW BLOW ANT TENNESSE WHEEL AND TIRE. im just fed up with calling every week to find out where something is. he doesnt answer my pm's on here. and seems to answer my calls rarely.

you know if he didnt get all the money in the first 2 day, 4300 off a debit card so he got the money right then. if i still owed him like 1-2g's i could see why its taken so long. but i dont owe anything.

sorry trevor if it seems like im bad mouthing you, i didnt mean to im just frustrated.

so has anyone else had this much trouble getting wheels?

josh in new mexico
low95xlt   +1y
hey josh...... calm down a lil i know its frustrating but give them a lil time i know there equipment had a failure and i know they are workin there arses off to fix it jsut give him a lil more time...
diabolic kustoms   +1y
lockone   +1y
First of all it does sound like you are trying to bash me and my business... Second all of this stuff takes time and alot of effort and your set of wheels is not the only one on the order sheet. As a matter of fact there are people on this site alone that ordered way before you did and have yet to receive anything except the adapters (but you dont see them getting on here and talking bad about it). Third whenever someone orders wheels they always pay up front because all of this stuff is custom made to order and I am not in the business of taking peoples money and running away with it. I also tell people upon ordering that the fronts normally take 4-5 days to ship and the townastys normally take 4-6 weeks. You did order 1 month and 1 week ago so that is going on 5 weeks now. I cannot help that UPS has forgotten one of the wheels in a hub and stopped the other from progressing to you. That is not my fault and I have no control over that.
My vacation just happend to fall right into this time frame that was something that was already planned months in adavance and couldnt be changed. I am busting my a$$ to get all of the orders filled in a timely fashion, but sometimes things dont go your way and you get behind with your work. I dont ignore your pms and phone calls on purpose. They all get returned in the order they come. If I didnt reply to one that is because my inbox was full and never received it. I have to leave my phone around the desk so I can get some work done due to the sheer volume of calls I receive daily. I would be on the phone all damn day if I answered every call that come in for me.

The rears are still sitting here in a box waiting to be polished. I never said they were going to ship out on a certain day. I simply said that I would try my best to get them polished and shipped out as soon as possible. This is one of the many reasons that I am seriously thinking about discontinuing the sales of the Townasty wheels. Finally, I would also like to say that I would rather take my time on something and get it right and safe the first time. Rather than have one of my products not meet someones standards or even get them hurt or killed.

As of this moment I am still about 1-2 weeks behind on most of my orders. I believe that I have talked to just about every customer that is still owed wheels or any other product.

To all of our other customers who are still waiting on wheels (you know who you are) thanks for hanging in there with me and being patient.

(Pig, I got your voicemail a few minutes ago and I will call you tomorrow)

Sorry I wrote an essay.
Post was last edited on Jun 27, 2007 02:06. This post has been edited 1 times.
liljlowrider   +1y
yea bro trev is a gool ole country boy and he is not gunna screw you. Everyone knows that is into anything custom that sometime things dont always work the way you thing they should. If sure there is a good reason why he is running behind on the wheels.

If you think about it he hasnt even been on here much so he must be busy.

Good things come to those who wait
okcderek   +1y
Keep up the good work Lock......just me sucking up cause I havent been able to order my Townasty wheels yet, so dont discontinue them.... :D:D
ben_shady1   +1y
Everytime I e-mail him he gets right back to me.. I have no complaints at all with him he's always been really helpfull on answering questions even before I bought mine. So I give him an A+ in my book..
pig rig   +1y
no big deal on calling me back you've answered my question my call was just a polite what the f^(ks up chuck
dragnasty   +1y
Trevor has my business
sick82   +1y
i never said he lost my buisness, i was just wondering what was going on, as a matter of fact i have 2 other guys waiting to see my wheels and then they will decide if they want to order.

i was just wondering and i wanted to see who else had trouble. im not new to the custom world either, i know stuff takes time. but i always got updates by the week on special order wheels ive ordered. and ive order 2 other sets. one set off 22's from billit specialties, and a 20/22 combo of edge 5's before the design was put into the machine from devious customs. so i know about a wait. but i also know about people staying in touch with the person. even if it is a e-mail once a week. or a phone call. i understand you are busy. and i didnt mean it to sound i was bad mouthing you. i was just wondering what was going on since i cant ever seem to get ahold of you.

Post was last edited on Jun 27, 2007 05:06. This post has been edited 1 times.