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Under Construction \  my car made it on anti-rice!!!

my car made it on anti-rice!!!

Under Construction General Discussions
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smctoy   +1y
Edited: 1/5/2007 1:44:53 PM by smcprez

Ok...most of you have seen my car on here & I get a lot of props on it. I also respect a lot of people on here as well too, but I want you guys opinion. Some prick on Cardomain has been calling my car "rice" & I wanted to know if you guys agree with him! The guy even went so far as to post my car on a "anti-rice page". Ill post my page & the link to the site where people are talking mad shit & its funny because they all seem to have factory ass shit! Anyway..start with my page & you see what Im talking about.

Oh & by the is a pic of the guys car that is talking shit!!

TwistedMinis   +1y
Honestly, I think your car used to be ricey. But I think its pretty sick now. Anyways, don't let it get to you. Its an internet war. No ones opinion of your car matters, except for yours.
scotto79   +1y
your car does look a lot better now, but did you notice the guy talking crap is bragging about his american muscle with his little "drifting" pic under his name. Must be one of the guys that gets whatever is cool for that year. Plus its Cardomain, not a whole lot but stock with altezzas everywhere.
hybrid showoff   +1y
bro, your car is one of the sickest eclipses out there. those guys are just jealous dumba$$es who were probly picked on in school and now are trying to be internet tough guys feelin all safe behind their computer screens and their pizza lookin faces. i bet if we went to pay them a visit they would shit their pants and run to crawlspace in their house and hide. but that page is harrassment, you could file charges up that guys ass. thats absolute bullsh*t.
slamdblazer   +1y
EH for one thing who gives a shit theres always gonna be some stupid fuck in this case a redneck with a 97 Ford mustang with a v-6 automatic thats gonna be saying " Why the hell would you do that?" and like my response would be "Why did your mom keep you" or something along that line. i dont think your cars ricey your tuckin rim and not sportin outrageous StarTrek body kit so, tell em to Hate on!
CHOSN1   +1y
My opinion of a rice car is a import with a huge ass wing and an exhaust you can hear for 5 miles or more I don't know about your exhaust but your wing looks stock so I'd say no, your car is not rice. But just like Seth said, my opinion shouldn't matter. It's what makes YOU happy.
b12yan   +1y
i think the funniest part is his stock v6 mustang... i have never owned a vehicle worse than that and either has most people here...
John Nissan   +1y
Man. the people on that site have got to be the dumbest people ive ever seen...

i just made a profile and listed my own car just to see what they are going to say.
smctoy   +1y
Yea...I agree with everybody here. I dont care what a 16 year old shit head thinks, but I just wanted to know what you guys thought since we actually have something worth talking about! You guys should really read some of the comments about my car on the ant-rice page...its funny as hell.
bumpin focus   +1y
that kid is a prick. ur not a rice because you dont have an obnoxious wing and a damn fart can. you have a boosted slammed and shaved bat out of hell. ur ride rocks so dont let some punk ass kid tell you other wise. p.s life begans at 22psi.