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Under Construction \  my car made it on anti-rice!!!

my car made it on anti-rice!!!

Under Construction General Discussions
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SlamChevy   +1y
well His cardomain profile says hes 16 and the car has 178,000 miles on it.. Hes a fuckin douchebag. and the other douchebags postin on it have stock rides. Like that sweet stock stratus.. Fuck these pricks. One day theyll get fucked in the ass and put in the real world. Thats all I have to say about them.

Im diggin the eclipse and I dont think its Rice at all.

lowered1   +1y
Donny man don't sweat that shit said it from the get go...the guy talking shit has a stock ass ride....hell, I've even seen some of these ignorant antirice ...stoprice bullshit sites pic on nice mini-trucks calling them rice as well. The morons that run these sites and people that keep them going more than likely have stock rides or are still riding a bike and living home with mommy. your car is sick...don't worry about those fools.
halomustang   +1y
Edited: 1/5/2007 2:52:50 PM by halomustang

Okay, to start out I'm going to use correct punctuation and spelling. Second, your car IS rice. It does not matter if it doesn't have a wing or muffler. I'm not necessarily bashing the work done. It's decent work but you wasted it on stupid useless things. You could have bought a good turbo or new performance components. Instead you buy use paint and airbags. You said that it is "you know that paint job is primer right? which means if his just fucking around with primer i bet you $1k that the paint job will be killer." As posted on the anti-rice website. After looking at the 2005 and it looking the same, I assume you don't have any plans to paint it, especially since there is plenty of airbrushing, etc. You also said "and halo-mustang your one to talk. you drive a STOCK V6 mustang. last time i checked those were primaraly a FEMALES car."

My response to that is... that about 80% or more of the world population drive stock cars you fuck.

Yeah I know it's a stock V-6 Mustang. I bought it myself at the age of 15 working my ass off. I'd rather drive that than a shitty rustbucket, would you guys agree? As for the guy who talked about my drifting avatar, I'd like to inform you that it is Initial D. An awesome show and game and if you think it has anything to do with my car, then just fuck yourself. Also, yes I posted "" on my signature because it's a great site for Mustangs. Not because my car has power or something. Yeah It's fucking slow as moses, I know that. I never said it was fast at all. It's a car to get from A-B and all that I bought was a sound system and will be buying 17" wheels in the spring. Soooooo. There you have it. Fuck all you ricers. If you don't have a full idea of what a ricer is, check and look at the home page. It will tell you everything you need to know.

lowridn99   +1y
haha but your explination still didn't say why you are talking shit about a car that is way sicker than yours?
lowridn99   +1y
could it be jealousy? just possibly?
smctoy   +1y
Your a such a many times do I have to keep saying that?? If you bothered to
actually look at my cardomain page youll see
that I have a turbo on a built engine! Its also funny how you talk about my primer/paint job but for some reason assholes like you dont know the difference unless somebody tells you. Oh & you may be right about most of the world driving "factory" cars, but its because most of them like you dont have a fucking clue what is considered a bad ass ride, rice or anything else for that matter! Hell anybody can put speakers in a car & bolt on some rims...It takes skill & time to build something that is actually worth looking at!
jdauer02   +1y
F**k that stock mustang driving prick, you have one sic eclipse no doubt about it. If your ride is rice my honda is right next to it I guess.
lowered1   +1y
halomustang, it's bad enough that you have to entertain yourself on such a foolish site, The thing that I find even more foolish is that you believe that all the babble you typed above actually makes sence I'm not a heavy poster here but I have been a patron and member for many years. I will say that I don't feal like wasting my time to read what that site or any like it feal that thier deffinition of rice is. I personally have my on take on what it is but at the same time, I feal it very stupid to waste time hating this or that...I would say that for the most part peole here and on other MEANINGFUL automotive sites would agree that we come together for a more possitive reason, to fellowship with others who have the same intrests, to learn and to help others. We build rides and friendships....on the other end of the spectrum there are sites like the one in question that you have came here from seeing how you only have one post here, you wanna come together an have a circle jerk because you either can't afford, don't have the skills, mommy won't let you...or for whatever reason want to pick appart other peoples work. So what 80% of the world's population is stock. That doesn't make it right for your stock ride driving ass to step into a world that you obvisly know jack shit about are just jelous that your not a part of it.
lowridn99   +1y
amen to that ^^^
layedtrac   +1y
Buy him that new Envy phone. It suits his style well.