well my drive shaft is not hitting anything i can guaranty that. i have changed my pinion angle from 4, 2,-2, amd -4 and it still does it...oh and the drive shaft pulls out the lower you go...the drive shaft moves no farther than 3 inches in an out...but if i lengthen the drive shafts it will be pushing on the carrier bearing then onece pushes thru that it will pop my rear main in the its got be the u joints, the differential, or the tail shaft bearing or out put shaft bearing.. but i can tell you my ranger is a 97 and the tranny is outa a 90 and the drive shaft is outa a 92 lol... all i can say is that it didnt do it with the stock carrier bearing witht the stock tranny and drive shaft..but the drive shaft is shortened a incha nd a half or now you tell me what the problem is? lol