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Under Construction \  Her Name Is Frank (8-22-07)

Her Name Is Frank (8-22-07)

Under Construction General Discussions
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TwistedMinis   +1y
Can't jet a stock carb. Just need to adjust the fuel and air screws. I need to look in the manual and see if it has a way to test for correct tuning.
idminitrucker (jason)   +1y
find the screw and turn it all the way in and back it off 1.5 turns and see how it runs. thats a good starting point for it. If you have a tac in it your idle should be around 800-900 maybe a little higher cuz of the cam. set your idle the adjust the air fuel to fine tune it. If it smells like gas real bad when its running turn it in a little farther. If its been runing rich very long you may want to pull your plugs and clean them and they are a good thing to check to see how it is running. If the smog guys would let you you could adjust the air fuel when its hooked up.
TwistedMinis   +1y
We tuned it today, its as lean as it will go. We pulled the intake off while it was running to look at the amount of fuel going in. You can see it literally dumping in. Huge squirts. He said its supposed to be more like a mist.

So it failed again. He said it could be a few things. The float level, some throttle valve ro something, and he said one other thing but I forget. He said I basically need a rebuilt carb. He said I could pass an RPM test, but the load test is just killing me.

Also got pulled over and ticketed for a few things on the way home. Got a ticket for no passenger side mirror and no rearview mirror, no plates/registration, and no seatbelts. I have 30 days to fix all that or it gets impounded. Pretty awesome day. I hate my truck.

Anyone got a hookup on rebuilt Yota carbs? I can't really afford anythign right now. But I have no choice but to do whatever it takes to get it registered and not get impounded. I couldn't afford to get it back out if it got impounded.
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time1   +1y
Seth look around on the Pirate4x4 board and see what those guys are doin over there with the carbs.

Also, your pretty mechanically inclined why not just get a rebuild kit and do it yourself?
Uncle Fester   +1y
Seth, you have stood thru so much and I for one admire all the hard work you have gone thru. Please do not give up, it is a great truck and so close, keep it up. Have a friend with a Toyota that you can borrow the carb from to get it to pass? As far as the ticket mirror should be easy to fix along with seat belts. As far as rego that you need to fix no matter what. This is a big kick and set back but I have confidence that you can rise up and get thru it, keep up the great work and give me a yell if I can help.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Yea the seatbelts and mirror I can fix by the end of today. And my neihbor is a cop and will sign off on it. But the registration thing is gonna be a bitch fi I really need a new carb to pass.

Tim, I'd try it myself if I wasn't so intimidated by carbs. I'm really intimidated by motors and wiring to be honest. I'm good with fab but thats about all. I know shit dick about motors really.

Guys on the Pirate board are dicks, I'll never ask a question there.
TwistedMinis   +1y
I found a reman on ebay for $80 shipped with a gurantee.
granth   +1y
good luck man. I would actually go up to the police station (in a different car of course lol) and talk to the captain. Explain your situation and ask for an extension. Just let him know you are just trying to get the emissions to pass, and that the other things were final details on the truck, that are being put on this week. Usually, if you show them your not a punk kid, and that you understand their view on things, they will be glad to help.
TwistedMinis   +1y
The guy that pulled me over was actually really cool. He said there were a lot worse things I could be doign with my time. He said that he could have easily had it towed on the spot, but he let me go, so I'm glad for that. I actually have 2 months before my court appearance, and I think I can get my neighbor to sign off on it regardless, then all I have to worry about it smog still.
granth   +1y
That's cool he wasn't a dick. My brothers girl was pulled over a few weeks ago for 75 in a 55. Soon as you hit 20 over your usually screwed hard around here. He made the ticket for 74 in a 55. She went to the captain and explain her situation (left her purse at class) and he signed it off and let her off scotch free. Most cops are NOT dicks, just stern law enforcers....good people though usually.

Good luck with everything man.