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Under Construction \  Her Name Is Frank (8-22-07)

Her Name Is Frank (8-22-07)

Under Construction General Discussions
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following 199
scrapinregal   +1y
how bout we all pitch in and buy seth a new/rebuilt one i could afford a few buck how bout that just a few more and youll have enough 10 buck from 10 people should cover it. MINITRUCKER HELPIN ANOTHER MINTRUCKER THATS WHATS IT A BOUT YOU NEVER KNOW I COULD USE SOME HELP SOME DAY
dawgpimp   +1y
what if we all paypal'ed seth $5 or $10 each. there are enough of us to get a holly or a weber. i wouldn't do it for just anyone, and i don't want some dickweed thinking he can get free money from us, but i don't want seth to loose his truck. he is making an honest effort.

bill brasky   +1y
fuuuuck Seth!
TwistedMinis   +1y
Brasky, suck my balls. Lol.

Originally posted by KaoticSonoma

have you tried calling lc engineering? they deal strictly with toyota....maybe they have a tech person that can give advice?

Thats a good idea, I'll give them a call this afternoon and see if they have any ideas. Thanks.

Originally posted by 06HEMIRAM

Don't know if it's been asked/suggested, but could it be something else causing the problem? Fuel pump?

I asked if anyone knew if a stock mechanical fuel pump could put out too much pressure or volume, or some how go defective. No one had an answer I guess. The guy at the parts store I go to said its unlikely.

Originally posted by s10bd

Hey Seth, so are you takin it to Danger Zone after all. You could always trailer it. Been wanting to see it in person.

Right now I'm not sure. I'll know Wednesday morning pretty much. If it doesn't pass smog tomorrow, it won't be there. I don't have a trailer. Only guy I know with a trailer is towing his 4Runner to the show. So thats not really an option. I can't afford to rent one and buy gas either. Even if my truck doesn't pass, I wouldn't trailer it. I'd be in my garage, taking a few days off work and school to try to get it sorted out by the end of the month because I only have until Saturday to get a passed smog. Anythign after that will not be concidered, so I'm told.
Uncle Fester   +1y
Seth give me a payPal account, I am down to help you. You have given me loads of inspiration and I envy a young man who works as hard as you do on the truck. Wish I had your drive in school. If all else fails you can sell it to me lol. Wish you were closer I would let you borrow my truck and trailer.
Take care and hit me up on AOL if you like.
msturg   +1y
Is there anyway you can jerry rig up something to restrict the flow just enough to pass smog? Then pull it back off once you pass?
TwistedMinis   +1y
James its just my personal email. Thanks man.

Originally posted by msturg

Is there anyway you can jerry rig up something to restrict the flow just enough to pass smog? Then pull it back off once you pass?

Thats what I'm going to try tonight. I'm going to open up the other port ont he regulator and T it into the return line and hope it cuts the flow in half. I also got some stepped bars to step the line down from 5/16" ID to 3/16" ID. Hoping that will help too. It will look like poo, but if ti passes I'll be gratful. If it doesnt pas, I may have ot drive down to Sacramento and try to pick up a carb at TAP, or go to the Toy Connection in San Mateo..
dragginbagged   +1y
Seth, this is probably won't be very helpful, but what kind of Holley do you need for a Yota? I have a Holly 5200 for my Mazda sitting in a box in the garage, remanufactured, never been used. It's off of a mid 70s Pinto, but they came on all kinds of shit.

If you can make it work, I'll send it to you and we can worry about the money later.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by dragginbagged

Seth, this is probably won't be very helpful, but what kind of Holley do you need for a Yota? I have a Holly 5200 for my Mazda sitting in a box in the garage, remanufactured, never been used. It's off of a mid 70s Pinto, but they came on all kinds of shit.

If you can make it work, I'll send it to you and we can worry about the money later.

I think thats the kind I was going to buy from the parts store. Its the equivalent of a Weber 32/36. Only thing is ship time you know. And also being able to get an adapter plate to fit my intake manifold. I think the throttle linkage has to be modified too. Also I'm not sure if the smog guy will pass me with a carb like that. I'll call him and ask him today though.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Also, I want to thank everyone for offering so much help. Half the stuff I've tried so far I never would have though of on my own.