Another problem i've seen around here is everyone and their momma wants to drive a truck now. And so fligh by night truck schools have opened up and are cashing in. They don't give a damn if these guys can drive or not, they don't need to be tested on backing up to pass- which in bs in my book. I saw a guy last week take 15mins to back up a 53ft'er and there was no other trailers in the dock! He was asking the other drivers for help...WTF?
So combine this with the all the equally bad automobile drivers on the road...and you have "DEATH AND GORE ON OUR ROAD'S...HOW TO SAVE YOURSELVES AND YOUR LOVED ONES FROM TRUCK DRIVERS FROM HELL!"
That's front page news right there son.
Most of these stupid ass automopbile drivers still don't realize how long it takes for a truck to stop, nor do they treat those monsters with the respect, or the space needed to operate them. I see it everyday-as I drive for a living people weaving in and out, out of frustration and then stopping quick in front of a truck and the poor sob having to brake hard or end up in someones back seat.
Professional drivers will always take most of the blame, and it is "you're guilty till proven innocent"...with no apology.
...sorry appology can be found on page 101 under the hemroid cream ad.