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Mini Truckin General \  Project?......Got the small block in :) 8-4-07

Project?......Got the small block in :) 8-4-07

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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jeebus @ mmw   +1y
na, call me later tonite at home, my cell is dead, and im workin in midland today.

jeebus @ mmw   +1y
lol its nothing bad, i just need to get a dimension from ya lol

jdauer02   +1y
^^^ cool, you had me worried for a I'll give you a call later tonight then.
bdydrp18   +1y
Originally posted by Chopped Mazda

exhaust is just s simple setup that will dump under the cab area, two very small mufflers, nothing special. Its not a speed machine or race car, just something to waste my time building.

i know what you mean keeps me from getting in trouble(excepted the wife) and give me something to work on.

check jegs they sell some oval shaped mufflers that may work for you. the only thing is they are a little long.

jeebus @ mmw   +1y
just got these in today!

These will be standard on EVERY set of Barely Legal Fabrication control arms. They will be powdercoated the same color as your arms, and the behind washer will be PC silver to make the lettering stand out.

i dig em. May see if we can change the stars to FTW or a middle finger ?

granth   +1y
yep, thats pretty fuckin sick. the minor details on your truck are going to make it rediculous. great work so far.
CanLay20s   +1y
I still don't understand why you are puting all this work into a 2-link?!?! HAHAHA...That's why, cause it's fuckin' badass!!! Everytime new pics pop up on the progress, just gets better and better man...Keep em coming!
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Originally posted by CanLay20s

I still don't understand why you are puting all this work into a 2-link?!?! HAHAHA...That's why, cause it's fuckin' badass!!! Everytime new pics pop up on the progress, just gets better and better man...Keep em coming!


thanks man!
jdauer02   +1y
Edited: 4/11/2007 4:46:40 PM by jdauer02

those are kick ass Taylor, nice touch. Will they be standard on say....arms for a 94 accord wagon? ;)I could use them for the washers on the top in the engine bay
North East Kustoms   +1y
I cant wait till your truck is done. All the little details are what matter and you have a ton of them.