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Mini Truckin General \  Project?......Got the small block in :) 8-4-07

Project?......Got the small block in :) 8-4-07

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Everything to my knowladge is welded to the frame that i think i need.

ive been spending the last few weekends just smoothin everything out and what not.

I machined a drop in bracket for an glycerine filled air gauge to sit between the two air bags out back, just for a visual refernce for people who dont believe there is auctually air in them

and i finished teh tubular work that ran on the inside of the frame, and connected to the 2x3. Just bent up some pieces and terminated them into the sides of the frame.

Then, the thing i havent talked about on here to much just because i wanted to see if it would work out or not before i took any pics of it. I couldnt stand how most bodydropped s-10s look with the front frame horns cut and dropped, even with gussets and blending, it looks dumb and un-finished. I decided to cap my front frame rails, and make my new tubular core support bolt directly to that, so that it has atleaset a half decent look to it when its all apart. all the mounting points are just like my 4-link mounts and are hidden tube so its cant be seen to much. I like how it looks with the frame just flat capped on the end.

thats about it. Ive test ran all my hydro lines, and power cable lines and fuel lines, and everything will beable to be hidden, except the brake lines, those will be stainless hardline so it will be ok to show outside the frame.

it looks like powdercoat on the 30th!

impulse   +1y
lookin really good!
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
jdauer02   +1y
that gauge was a nice little touch Taylor. excellent work.
smctoy   +1y
Damn...your work is sic as hell!!
bdroppeddak   +1y
are you guys morons, thats not a 2 link...... its not the best setup 4 or 3 link, but it will work alot better than a 2 link....
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
it went to powdecoat on monday, the 30th.

wont have it back for a couple weeks!

cant wait to start throwin some parts back on it and what not!
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Ok, today was the day.

I picked up the frame today from powdercoat.

When i first saw it.....i said, holy fuck, the color is amazing.....but after i looked it over alittle.....i was very very very displeased with the powdercoat application quality, alot of the things the guy told me he was going to do to the frame to prep it for spray, he didnt do. He didnt use the metal filler to smooth out the grinder marks and pits in the metal, he didnt spray from multipule angles to make sure the kandy layer didnt look streaky, and he didnt tape off alot of areas i asked him to.

Needless to say, i left the powdercoat shop pissed off, and with all the money in my pocked that i had came thare with. He saw it my way in the end, and after a little bit of an argument, i told him that i did not think that what he did for me was worth what he wanted...he understood.

When i got home, i wasnt even sure what i was going to do with the frame.....alot of the spots that bothered me, wernt noticable to other people, i had a few friends over and they could only point out a few things....i still was unsure.....but i unloaded it off the trailer anyways, and decided i better bolt some chrome on it and see what happens.

so i did, and im glad i did, beacause now i will sleep alittle easier tonite, because after i started putting the parts on the frame, alot of the things i thought you would see, arent noticable......there are still a few issues, mainly on the front frame section......but alot of the light spots that were bothering me are covered up when the link bars are on and when the canti brackets are on......and espically when the wheels are on.

im still not completely sure what im doing with gonna keep putting accessories on and see what happens.....idk, im still dissappointed.....and it took alot of the excitment out of the build......but im not out for the count yet.

well see i guess
BRIO5252   +1y
well man i think it looks pretty good other than the few pitts that you show. I love the color it looks great
TwistedMinis   +1y
Edited: 5/18/2007 7:26:55 PM by TwistedMinis

Looks good to me!

I guess paying a decent amount for my coating was a good idea. I couldn't find any flaws in what they did for me.