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Mini Truckin General \  Project?......Got the small block in :) 8-4-07

Project?......Got the small block in :) 8-4-07

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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minitrucker04   +1y
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
got some goodies back from chrome today.

these will cover every nut and bolt on the truck.

turned from mild steel, smoothed out with 1500 grit paper, sunk in an allen head on the side so that i can snug it up to the bolt. I took the idea from some parts i saw at a harley store a few weeks ago......but they wanted 45$ a piece for them LOL

another fun little feature.

i was plannin on suprisin everyone with a kick ass suprise.....but i got hosed. I was planning on sending my fuel cell out to get chromed......which is sorta rare because alot of places wont chrome plate thin aluminum.....idk why exactly, but it took me a month to find someone.....but i finally found a place in chicago that woudl do it......but when it got thare, they discovered that the inside has a sprayed in or injected plastic liner, and would disolve and ruin their chrome tank bath if they did im screwed on thare

good news is, i invested that money that i was gonna spend on chroming the fuel cell, into a good high quality polishing setup. Ive allways been able to polish stuff, but now i will beable to do serious chrome like polish work, which im kinda excited about.

im about half way through, so ill post pics later this week, but its going to be my favorite part on the truck. im excited.
suckafree   +1y
nice touch, I did that with my motor (covering up the bolts with chrome caps). Looks way better imo.
lowlow65   +1y
i gotta say man the frame looks sick. i just had a few questions. did u set up any shock mounts in the back??? cuz if the cylinder is riding on that strut bag, wouldnt u still need a shock? and if u only have one dump per pump(or 1 for front, 1 for back) the truck is gunna have maaaad body roll when u take corners and such cause the fluid will transfer sides. anyways, great looking work, not trying to hate, i give credit where credit is due.
thacru78   +1y
I wanna know where you got the caps from. I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to figure out how I was going to make the bolts look better on my frame. Those caps are pretty sick. I like them, alot.
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Edited: 6/5/2007 9:41:09 AM by Chopped Mazda

Originally posted by thacru78

I wanna know where you got the caps from. I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to figure out how I was going to make the bolts look better on my frame. Those caps are pretty sick. I like them, alot.

i guess i should have made that clearer. I made them. Turned them on a lathe, polished them, and sent them for chrome.

but the one i got my idea from i found at a harley shop, i forgot what they called it, but it was just a cover for something......they wanted 45$ one of them, so it wasnt an option to buy 16 of them lol.

I just went in one day with my calipers, and took some measurments, and spun my own.

i like em.

jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Originally posted by lowlow65

i gotta say man the frame looks sick. i just had a few questions. did u set up any shock mounts in the back??? cuz if the cylinder is riding on that strut bag, wouldnt u still need a shock? and if u only have one dump per pump(or 1 for front, 1 for back) the truck is gunna have maaaad body roll when u take corners and such cause the fluid will transfer sides. anyways, great looking work, not trying to hate, i give credit where credit is due.

thanks man. I have accumulators all around for the setup, and that will dampen out the bounce that the air bag will give, i set the bag to 70psi the other day and tried getting it to bounce alot or float at all, and it didnt do much, it reacted to me pushing on it, and thats about it, no bounce back or it should work pretty well.

As far as the dumps go, in every setup ive ever done, ive allways ran two pumps, two dumps......never done anything else, and ive never had body roll issues. I know that logically, thats what should occur, but, ive never felt the effects of it before. Its something that deffinentally logically sounds like it should occur, but like i said, ive ran a bunch of juice setups like this, and i loved it, never felt the negative effects of it, like everyone says it should. Hell, ive been suprised in the past how well this setup rides and handles, far better than any bag with shock setup ive had, but thats just my opinion.



jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Originally posted by suckafree

nice touch, I did that with my motor (covering up the bolts with chrome caps). Looks way better imo.

no doubt, it looks way better. I wasnt expecting to have to make this many of them tho.....i have alot of 3/4 bolts lol
thacru78   +1y
So would you want to make anymore of them. LOL I've also thought about the spikes but i've seen alot of them. Would yall be able to make me some of those barrel nuts that you sent with the unijoints. That would look better that just a nut. IDK i'll think of somethine. Looking good man. Keep up the good work.
LowBlazin   +1y
Originally posted by lowlow65

wouldnt u still need a shock? and if u only have one dump per pump(or 1 for front, 1 for back) the truck is gunna have maaaad body roll when u take corners and such cause the fluid will transfer sides. theres not really any give in the hydro lines for fluid to move, too much pressure. the only way i could think of fluid transfer even slightly hapeening is if you had a lot of air in the line. i could be wrong though but ive got hydros with the front t'd and back t'd together and no roll happens.