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Toyota Trucks \  Won't fire?

Won't fire?

Toyota Trucks Make Specific
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TwistedMinis   +1y
I need some assistance. I'm trying to get my motor fired so I can break in the cam. All my electrical is hooked up right, it was labeled before I took it apart, and most plugs only go to one place. My vaccuum lines are fine, those were also labeled. I put gas in the carb, down the float vents to fill the bowl. So I turned it over and it just cranks and cranks and cranks. Is there a way to check for spark without pulling the plugs? The plugs are new, I just got my 1/2" ratchet set stolen during my moms most recent divorce, and I don't have a socket to get them out. And I really don't want to have to drive 30 miles to get one. Is there anything else I should be checking? My grounds are good, directly into bare metal. The frame to body ground might not be solid, I'm not 100% sure.

I'm not 100% sure on the MSD ignition wiring, because the instructions were quite vague, and based on a Chevy V8. But I found a Toyota wiring schematic for them, and hooked it up exactly that way.

I need some help quick, I gotta smog by the end of the day.
purplekush   +1y
could be that ground that ur not 100% sure of
could also be the msd ignition not working correctly

u need to get out of windsor dood
come to central cali ud fit right in
plus people would come fix ur truck when u broke it for a 12 pack of budlight!
TwistedMinis   +1y
I'll work on the body groung, make sure its on bare metal. I'm pretty sure the MSD is wired right. But I put quick disconnects on the two wires that conflicted in the instructions. I tried firing it hooked up both ways and no worky.

Windsor fucking sucks, no one really comes to help, people just want me to do shit.
purplekush   +1y
haha ya dood i hear you

are u wanting to check to see if the plugs are getting juice to them?

get a power tester and stick it into a plug wire and it should blink really fast

thats the only way ive ever tested to see if the plugs were getting juice

but it might not be safe i dono
i do stupid stuff alot of the time that makes the situation worse.

if that ground isnt grounded it could act as a killswitch for your motor and not let it run

does it sound like it wants to kick over and start? or just crank like its out of gas?

draggindimes   +1y
dump some ether in that bitch
droppedtoy   +1y
So you want to break in a new cam, but the truck won't start. So is it safe to assume that a new cam has been installed and the truck has not been started since? And the engine will turn over, right? If so, the first thing I would check would be to make sure the timing is correct. If the timing is too far off, wouldn't matter what you do, the truck won't start until that is corrected.
TwistedMinis   +1y
I'll try the test light thing.

I'll make sure the ground is right.

It turns and kicks a little, mkaes the whole truck rock, but it doesnt sound like its tryign to start.

Where would I aquire ether?
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by droppedtoy

So you want to break in a new cam, but the truck won't start. So is it safe to assume that a new cam has been installed and the truck has not been started since? And the engine will turn over, right? If so, the first thing I would check would be to make sure the timing is correct. If the timing is too far off, wouldn't matter what you do, the truck won't start until that is corrected.

Yes, a new cam has been installed and the truck has not been fired since. The motor was out and torn down for a mild rebuild.The timing is set correctly. Did it last week after finding the correct specs.
drgndly   +1y
you can get ether at any auto store. Its basically starting fluid
TwistedMinis   +1y
Ok, I'll go try to find some starting fluid. You just spray it into the carb or what?

I put the body ground in a new spot. I took part of the core support down to bare metal, tapped a new hole, and made a bare metal washer. Still doing the same thing.