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Mini Truckin General \  Minitruckers


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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/// xception   +1y
I couldnt agree with you more Kris. Thats why I dont come around the site as much as I use to.
mtm   +1y i'll be able to come on here and not have to weed through all of the bitching and bullshit threads to find the useful ones. Good deal
purplekush   +1y
ssm needs to host anual cage fights!

id be down
dssur   +1y
telling kids or newbies stuff they dont want to hear is not hating. I told a guy once that if what he wanted to do was as easy as he was talking about that everyone would have already done it, and he told me to drink some more haterade. I told a guy that he couldnt change the laws of physics to suit his application and he told me I must just be a hater. I told a guy that if he wanted to be original it would take more than bagging his s10 on 20's and of course I was being a hater according to him. If a guy asks 15k for a bagged s10, or 9k for a static dropped s10, I say good luck with that and yep, you guessed it, I am a hater.

Hater is the stupidest term. I like learning new things, and being wrong is how you learn to be right. But every dumbass punk with a keyboard who thinks he can build an internet reputation with a rendering of the things he PLANS to do to his truck gets gets mad at me for pointing out that it takes more than talking about something to get my respect, well, I guess I am a hater and you can ban me now. For every old school guy who thinks I should suck him off because he has been minitruckin 5-10-15-20 years and he should be able to say whatever he wants, well, I guess I am a hater and you should ban me now. These two groups of people are the problem acts, the kids who think their post count should give them some credibility and the hard asses who are resting on their laurels and couldnt give two squirts about helping out the new guys.

I dont care how many times a question is asked, over and over, you shouldnt just say "use the search feature stupid" because a) the search feature rarely works for its intended purpose and b) the forum has been around long enough that there is usually no single right answer. Until someone puts together a FAQ, if you have the knowledge and ability you should answer every single repetitive question or you should shut the fuck up. If you know of a previous thread that answers the question, post it. If you dont remember the link or dont have it saved, take the 5 minutes out of your day to find it for the guy because if nothing else he will ALWAYS remember how someone took the time to help him and oh well what the hell he will help someone else. If you DONT have the knowledge or information you should absolutely keep your mouth shut because it sucks to correct guys who have 1000's of posts as much as it sucks to be the one being corrected. Opinion is not fact. It never will be.

Otherwise I like SSM. I dont have personal problems with the staff or the moderators, and even if I did I would pay to keep an informational site like this around for years and years and squash all the personal bullshit that gets in the way of having some of the most knowledgeable people frequent the site. Its the internet people. Get some thicker skin or stay on your myspace page where everyone loves you.

impulse   +1y
Russ you are so smart!!!!!

*coughing under my breath "fuckin hater"
east*coast*nomad   +1y
^^ totally agree wuth ya russ the whole "why dont ya search it" shit is bullshit i admit i have stopped posting because of all the stupid shit in the fourms mostly hey check this truck out i hate the front end so imma post a thread to hate on it. i hope this will finally make SSM what it use to be.
lownova1965   +1y
i dont give two sh*ts if you dont like my sh*t, and isnt this a hate thread???
GarrickArends   +1y
Originally posted by baggedMITSU

Originally posted by iLLairgasm

Sometimes people need to not be so emotional... there will always be people that don't like your shit... not everyone is gonna be a happy smurf. Suck it up, ignore the haters and do what you wanna do.

Personally I don't notice to much "hating" on this site... or maybe I just don't take everything so seriously and cry about it.


if it aint broke why fix it.

what do you suppose you do about all this supposed hating? You cant nanny everybody, its that whole freedom of speech thing, if you try and stop the haters where will you draw the line. Im all for making the website better but it seems to me like everybody is jumping on this hater bandwagon. I think the site is great, it doesnt need alot of changes to me.

Both comments are agreeable... Along with what Aaron said a few posts ahead of these ones. There will always be a minimal amount of what most would call "hate". Thats just human nature. But what we are trying to accomplish is those that do nothing more then put others down. There are a group of individuals that do mearly nothing more then crack jokes at others expense, make fun of their rides and just plain ass's. Those are the ones that will be targeted. If it stands out then it will be dealt with. Obviously the random post or comment in Chat, etc will be over looked, its those carrying things out or a non stop issue that will be hammered down on.
suicidal66   +1y
I totally agree. The arrogant attitudes in here get old. Im tired of hearing guys talk down to others and acting like they and their vehicles are the shit....when most or em aint driving much of nothin.
PleasuresBurban   +1y
Where did my posts go?