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Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Sprk Sho   +1y
rite on!
I'm not hatin on people that pay to have the work done there quicktoy thats just my personal statement. I cant do everthing to my truck either so like you i am paying someone to layout my ideas. the fact is you have ideas and carried them onto your vehicle. thats super and who cares what i say or what people think. its your money,ideas and truck so do what makes you happy and enjoy the fruits of your labor. so i am not hatin just makin a statement
gil469   +1y
Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

I have been on SSM longer than anyone alive, mainly because I built it, but long enough to know that SSM has changed. I have been away from SSM for a while now and am getting back into it again. Of all the things that have changed, there is one thing that bothers me the most. THE HATE! SSM used to stand for friendship and brotherhood.

I can
FreelandKustomz   +1y
this place is Jellysicle city. Haters always suckin on sicles
FluffyFreak   +1y
Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

no, i'll give you an example, say i ask a question... "I'm building a 350 WHP cavalier, which ECU's out there are good for a boosted cavi?" and someone responds that a 350 WHP cavi will never happen and that i 'don't have enouph money to do that. And if it did it's a waste of money.

See what i mean... that's hate... was he answering my question? no... was he helping in any way at all? no.. was he being constructive? no...

First of all (this is a real example from the other site i spoke about), i DID do it. If i go back now and ask them another question about my 350 whp cavi, people say i'm full of it. That my dyno is fake... it never ends..

That is what happens if you let it continue... Nobody wants that...

Kris its gonna happen no matter what kinda car soem jackass is gonna say you cant have a 1500hp 350 when there all over the place just cuz there either ignorant retarded stupid or just beigna ass. and if no one on the forums wants to help ya call companies that do that kidna work. thats what i do
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
Originally posted by JaydaddyzBurb

Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

no, i'll give you an example, say i ask a question... "I'm building a 350 WHP cavalier, which ECU's out there are good for a boosted cavi?" and someone responds that a 350 WHP cavi will never happen and that i 'don't have enouph money to do that. And if it did it's a waste of money.

See what i mean... that's hate... was he answering my question? no... was he helping in any way at all? no.. was he being constructive? no...

First of all (this is a real example from the other site i spoke about), i DID do it. If i go back now and ask them another question about my 350 whp cavi, people say i'm full of it. That my dyno is fake... it never ends..

That is what happens if you let it continue... Nobody wants that...

Kris its gonna happen no matter what kinda car soem jackass is gonna say you cant have a 1500hp 350 when there all over the place just cuz there either ignorant retarded stupid or just beigna ass. and if no one on the forums wants to help ya call companies that do that kidna work. thats what i do

yea, and people being an ass is what we're gonna weed out... No need for that sort of thing here...
FluffyFreak   +1y
Kris IMO its a good idea but its really never gonna work. unless you make everyone pay for the site then it might but its open to the public and unfortunatly the public is abunch of fuckin dipshit pencil dick haters.
i also feel that you gotta pay your dues....look at kids like Seth im sure when he started postin on here people were hating but now they respect him and dont hate on his posts.....thats just my 2 cents tho and they probably aint wortha shit
fordford   +1y
Great thred.I try not to post because I don't spell or use periods or commas in the right place.The hate is not only on this site.I built my truck with no help from my sons.All mistakes are mine.I didn't know if you could not build it yourself it was bad.I did not know a custom paint job was bad.I didn't know that you were not supposed to modify a Ford Lightning.I also did not know if you were not capable of bagging a truck it shouldn't be bagged.It would help to have a list of what is ok or not ok.We decided at the last show we attended to stop showing our truck at any of the truckins.We were hell bent to get our truck in a magazine.No more who cares.We saw pics of people peeing in elevators,smelled the mess all weekend,saw hotels trashed,heard complaints about prices at hotels that were trashed the year before,we got rooms when they were telling younger truckers they were full,and were told to our face what different people thought about our truck.Its lots more fun at a roadster or Corvette show.
duallylayinbodyinTX   +1y
can i jus go back in time about a year ago when everybody jus talked shit and garrick did nothing about it lol everybody jus needs to learn there is no such a thing as free speech anymore lol i mean i understand BYC fucked over alot of people but that thread sure had ALOT of hate in it
Originally posted by CHOSN1

But for SSM stepping up and trying to stop the hating

So does that mean we can't hate on DONKS anymore But if you really think about it, even though I think it's just stupid ridiculous, it is a lifestyle for a different group of people. Just like how some people like to drag their shit for miles down interstate, you also have those that like to climb rocks with their 4x4.

damn the hate is going to happen no matter what. wheather its noticed or not i have stated before hate is bad in the forums check out the chat room i know people wont even get in there because of all the hate. but no matter what there will be hate or drama. honostly its hurting the site i remember when i was 16 getting on here there was so much more hate in here it was rediculous. i still kept coming in here no matter how many times i got bashed on. but anymore there isnt a young age group on here because of it. the site has come along way since i had my first membership on here. there is less hating now then what there was. but now its when someone hates its just brutal.