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Mini Truckin General \  Minitruckers


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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BaggedMazda87   +1y
Oh and if you guys are wondering "if he's such a SSM OG why does he only have 400 posts??"

Well i was around 3000 when i changed my screen name from ToyotaSpinnin40s to BaggedMazda87

gotair19   +1y
ya i been here for some time now...and i just stop posting becuz of all i wood ask for help or ask a Q: and i wood get hated on so i just stoped post or asking Q: i just update pics on my owners profile now
22below   +1y
that katt video on haters says it all...nice...
kindalow   +1y
This is a huge reason why I am slowly getting further and further away from the scene, my views of minitruckers will be different always because of the hatred on this stupid website.
dirkbelt   +1y
i dont see the big deal about post either,i mean dose more post mean u know more????
baggedmitsu   +1y
Originally posted by iLLairgasm

Sometimes people need to not be so emotional... there will always be people that don't like your shit... not everyone is gonna be a happy smurf. Suck it up, ignore the haters and do what you wanna do.

Personally I don't notice to much "hating" on this site... or maybe I just don't take everything so seriously and cry about it.


if it aint broke why fix it.

what do you suppose you do about all this supposed hating? You cant nanny everybody, its that whole freedom of speech thing, if you try and stop the haters where will you draw the line. Im all for making the website better but it seems to me like everybody is jumping on this hater bandwagon. I think the site is great, it doesnt need alot of changes to me.
dirkbelt   +1y
yea i dont see the big deal either!!!!!if somebody dosent like what i do i dont let it get 2 me cause im the one unassin the money for it!!!!!!
stockfloored85   +1y
I agree.
low mazda   +1y
just because someone don't have alot of posts, don't mean they haven't been here for a long time. Just because that person apparently WORKS on his truck alot or does something else alot, and is not a KEYBOARD KOMMANDO, don't mean that person hasn't been on SSM for long enough to be considered an OG. All you gotta do is go to his profile, and it says how long he has been a member.
granth   +1y
Originally posted by Pa Pa Dragger

I've been here for a very long time too. I sometimes log onto this site, read a thread with some guy with a stock truck tryin' to tell someone that has worked for 3 or 4 years on his or her ride and has 3/4 of a full custom done, what they need to change or do to make the truck worthy after they posted some proud new pics of their new wheels or something. until you have built something, don't be telling others how to do it or what would look good unless they ask for your opinon as They most of the time aren't. Get it through your thick skulls! NO BODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK! GET IT? KEEP YOUR STUPID COMMENTS TO YOURSELF! IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY,SCRAM,BEAT IT! I look at most of these guys as a bunch of wanna-be's that think if they get on here and talk shit about something they read somewhere they are going to gain respect from somebody. We can read you guy's like a book. All we do is go to your profile and see you stock ride and blow off everthing you say.

I disagree with this completely. Some of us know what would make a truck look better, and could if money or skill would allow, build a sick truck. The fact we have yet to build a ride, doesn't make our points invalid. If you post pictures on the forum saying "check my new shit out" that is an open invitation to peoples opinions. Why post pictures if you don't want to hear what others think.

Just because I haven't built a full custom, doesn't mean I don't have a clue on what just might make a truck look BETTER. Every time I mention something that could possibly make the truck look a little bit better I get called a hater, so be it. Im with illblazer on this one. I don't think I have ever "hated" to the point where personal names should be called, or someone post a picture of me and try to bring me down.....would this not be the same as what they are accusing me of?

It is what it is, and as long as everyone is "hater happy" and just WAITING to call someone a hater, it's not going to change. If someone posts an opinion, let it be. Read it, and do as you wish with it. It may be good, it may be bad, and if you care so much as to knock the person who gave the opinion....why not explain why you don't think it would work with your ride.

It's a double standard on this site.