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Mini Truckin General \  Minitruckers


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Pa Pa Dragger   +1y
I've been here for a very long time too. I sometimes log onto this site, read a thread with some guy with a stock truck tryin' to tell someone that has worked for 3 or 4 years on his or her ride and has 3/4 of a full custom done, what they need to change or do to make the truck worthy after they posted some proud new pics of their new wheels or something. until you have built something, don't be telling others how to do it or what would look good unless they ask for your opinon as They most of the time aren't. Get it through your thick skulls! NO BODY CARES WHAT YOU THINK! GET IT? KEEP YOUR STUPID COMMENTS TO YOURSELF! IF YOU HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO SAY,SCRAM,BEAT IT! I look at most of these guys as a bunch of wanna-be's that think if they get on here and talk shit about something they read somewhere they are going to gain respect from somebody. We can read you guy's like a book. All we do is go to your profile and see you stock ride and blow off everthing you say.

I have told myself many times that I am going to quit even coming here, I've even thought of selling my truck and getting the hell out of this scene and build an old hot rod and start going to the Goodguy's shows or something. But you can't let a few wanna-be's hatin' on the new guys or spewing the're worthless opinions on here to ruin it for everyone. I've met and made too many good freinds from this site and at the shows we get to attend every year to let these clowns turn me away. None of us woke up one morning and knew everything about building one of these trucks. Hell, I'm still learning stuff from guys, young and old that have build and are building some great rides. We learn from each other, the good guys and girls on here that have done it before and learned from their mistakes and are gonna help us not to make the same. Good quality information to everyone no matter how simple it may be. Keep in mind that you youself were asking these same questions at one time. These guy's at SSM have furnished us with a great forum to learn and enjoy what we do, we need to keep it that way before it's gone. L8R
impulse   +1y
Sometimes people need to not be so emotional... there will always be people that don't like your shit... not everyone is gonna be a happy smurf. Suck it up, ignore the haters and do what you wanna do.

Personally I don't notice to much "hating" on this site... or maybe I just don't take everything so seriously and cry about it.
GreenDream   +1y
I've been on here a long time... I have seen the changes, and I'll agree the last year or 2 have been kinda bad. I was once a newbie, and had my fair share of "stupid" questions. I eventually started learning by hands on experience and also the help of my SSM friends. Thanks everyone. I've noticed alot of hate towards the newbies nowadays, and I think it's rediculous. I won't hate on someone for there lack of knowledge especially when they are in the right place to learn more. And I also want to say that I personally think that the "hate" on other rides, such as "Donks" isn't that bad. I for one find it funny to see the pics of the "redonkulous" donks people post on here. I don't hate on whoever builds 'em, it's just not something I would build and I think they are funny as hell. I think that when it comes to that kinda thing, as long as we aren't truely "hating" on the builders/drivers of these vehicles, I think it's ok. Well I'm done here.
munk3yx   +1y
Corey I sooo agree to that.
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
theres another site that i used to visit alot that was about cavaliers. That site was filled with so much hate and nay-sayers that i wouldn't post anymore, i stopped going there all together... Minitruckers don't need to act that way. People need feel free to post things without a bunch of people saying "BS, that'll never happen"... shit like that... just not cool...
dubrocker04   +1y
this isnt the first time this has happened and it wont be the last. someone starts talking shit and nothing happens. someone notices and decides that talking shit is allowed. next thing you know, everyone is talking shit on everything to everyone and ssm has to get shit back in check.

ride it out. if you don't like how things are run here, i'm sure you'll have loads of fun building your own site where people can bad mouth each other all they want. the people that are causing problems will either leave or get weeded out. no one is pointing the finger at anyone, it's just a basic note for everyone to lighten up and stop being negative.
Forever Draggin   +1y
impulse   +1y
Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

theres another site that i used to visit alot that was about cavaliers. That site was filled with so much hate and nay-sayers that i wouldn't post anymore, i stopped going there all together... Minitruckers don't need to act that way. People need feel free to post things without a bunch of people saying "BS, that'll never happen"... shit like that... just not cool...

So what if someone says "BS, that'll never happen" what is the harm in that? all you gotta do is prove them wrong and do it then. People just ned to not get so worked up over someone's negative comments. First of all its the INTERNET, and people will always have an opinion and will be more likely inclined to talk trash because they are behind a keyboard, its how it is. Second of all... Its the INTERNET. Lets not take things so bloody seriously people. Suck it up and ignore it, or prove the haters wrong.

Like Joel (iLLblazer) said, there is certain ways to go about saying things. You can call someone a dickfag, or you can give them constructive criticism, but even giving constructive crits people can and will take it the wrong way, and will most likely be offended cause they take it to personally and take it to heart. Sometimes everyone just needs to take a step back and think about why someone might be disagreeing with them, instead of being so quick to start throwing their arms in the air and waving them like its a gay parade and calling people haters. Maybe there is a good reason they aren't agree'ing with the way something you did was done.
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
no, i'll give you an example, say i ask a question... "I'm building a 350 WHP cavalier, which ECU's out there are good for a boosted cavi?" and someone responds that a 350 WHP cavi will never happen and that i 'don't have enouph money to do that. And if it did it's a waste of money.

See what i mean... that's hate... was he answering my question? no... was he helping in any way at all? no.. was he being constructive? no...

First of all (this is a real example from the other site i spoke about), i DID do it. If i go back now and ask them another question about my 350 whp cavi, people say i'm full of it. That my dyno is fake... it never ends..

That is what happens if you let it continue... Nobody wants that...
impulse   +1y
Edited: 3/27/2007 9:07:58 PM by iLLairgasm

I guess people react differently... personally I could care less if someone believes me or not.

Those people will always exist, and they exist everywhere in the world, in every part of life. Quite honestly I don't think there would be very many advances in anything without them. And everything would be just so bland and normal.