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Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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ashvdbx   +1y
but i do hate george bush
ashvdbx   +1y
im so confused aint i hatin the shit im one of them now lol
seansmitty42   +1y
proeuro i dig ur sig
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
Originally posted by ashvdbx

iil blazer> i agree with you too> you should be able to say a negative if the work is shit, or whatever if asked but if asked!!! not just random shit not saying thats what you do just saying thats where alot of shit starts i think. and b4 i get "hated" on i dont mean all the young guys in my last post or not that any old guys cant be asses either. i have met some real cool younger guys and a couple old assholes so it can be anyone...

The point is that you don't have to hate on someone.. NEVER... you can say thing like... "Hey man, your learning, but you welded the bag mounts wrong and now it's gonna twist the bag real bad" or whatever... you don't have to be an ass..
dragontoy22r   +1y
I've always appreciated the positive feedback that I've received from those willing to help. I personally haven't endured to much "hatin'", and I built a truck with a Civic frontend. Granted I do read alot of threads that start with someone buying a hackjob and planning on fixing it. Not too much is said negatively, and alot of input is given to inspire the direction the truck may take. I think if we all helped out and gave constructive criticism as opposed to bashing in any fashion, we'd be cool. The way I figure and the way I learned....cut it and weld it. If it doesn't hold, weld it again. Learn from your mistakes and always keep in mind the consequences of your actions. I would never do a hack job and take it on the road...but I might do broadies in my culdesac to see if anything breaks!
mindlissmetalfab   +1y
Originally posted by SSM-WebMaster

Originally posted by ashvdbx

iil blazer> i agree with you too> you should be able to say a negative if the work is shit, or whatever if asked but if asked!!! not just random shit not saying thats what you do just saying thats where alot of shit starts i think. and b4 i get "hated" on i dont mean all the young guys in my last post or not that any old guys cant be asses either. i have met some real cool younger guys and a couple old assholes so it can be anyone...

The point is that you don't have to hate on someone.. NEVER... you can say thing like... "Hey man, your learning, but you welded the bag mounts wrong and now it's gonna twist the bag real bad" or whatever... you don't have to be an ass..

did you not read my post? I was just saying it seems like so many people are so ready to jump the hater bandwagon they drop it all the time. Like my example when someone is thinking of doing a reverse 4 link, I'll put in my 2 cents about cons of that setup and pros of a forward setup and get called a "hater". Or your example of the bag mount twisting. These days you would get called a hater for that too cuz everyone who disagrees or doesnt like something is a hater.MY point was:Theres a difference between stuff like that and name calling/ridicule yet these days it seems to all get lumped together as one and the same as a defense from those on the receiving end.
Shaven   +1y
I have noticed a change and ive only been on this forum religiously for about a year. So you got my count in on Haters.
22below   +1y
I always liked the "haters", just motivated me even more, it's just LIFE. Some people will like and some people will dislike different ideas. No "haters", on SSM isnt going to change the world, but at least you are trying to do your part and I can respect that. So if you want to sugarcoat the forums, go ahead, but that is all you are doing.
munk3yx   +1y
Originally posted by iLLblazer

OK I'll be the odd man out to say the other side.

WTF is hate, being a hater, haterade or any of this shit? You cant dislike something or have an opposite opinion of anyone else anymore without being a hater. If I see someone post up a picture of a truck that is a hacked fuckin mess, what do I say? Good work man, looks good. No. Why encourage that kind of stuff. keep my mouth shut so some other kid can make the same mistakes thinking theres nothing wrong with it because no one said otherwise? Where does that get us?

Now I fully understand that there are ways of approaching things. I'm not gonna say "hey man that work sucks and you're a dick lickin fag for making a mess of it" because that doesnt get anyone anywhere. BUT I will say my 2 cents on it and when I can I'll give my opinion on how to make it better.

I've been called a hater for recommending a forward 4 link over a reverse, or listing the downfalls of reverse 4 links, 2 links, 50/50s. Is that hate? I dont think so. But someone will surely pop up and say "fuck these haters man, they dont know shit, throw those links in there backwards I've been rollin mad hard like that for years".

All I'm trying to get at is it is a blurry line to try to define and to try to crack down on it could be tough. Is no one allowed to have a differing opinion or say they don't like something anymore? Thats horseshit IMO. If you dont like the opinion of someone else then fine. Dont listen to it.

This is something thats been buggin me for awhile now. What is the definition of a hater? Maybe some people just need to learn that its the fuckin internet. When you post something on the internet, especially on a forum, you need to be prepared to deal with someone who may have a different view on what you have done.

So anyways, I totally agree that some people are jackasses about how they approach things. A

im with ^^^ guy. to me it sounds like we cant express are own opinion about something with out it being considered hate? and about the part of getting banned for doing something hate full.. im a paying customer to this and if i was to get banned for stating my opinion i would expect a refund and if i didnt get it then thats just a bunch of bs. thats just the way i see it and its my OPINION