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Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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bendapirate   +1y
Thank you. This is from an old thread I started:

Why all the hatred thats been going on lately? I've been reading these forums for a while lately and i've come to notice the scene taking a very negative turn. Why? Mini truckers hating on fellow mini truckers? Why?

I've noticed it lately with trucks that are built "shitty" and "unsafe" to other people's standards. So? Is it yours? NO. So, instead of hating, why not Help the person? Why not offer to help? Isn't that why we're all here? To make friends and enjoy mini truckin? Why talk shit? Thats not the way we're supposed to be. Leave that to the street racers.

I've noticed it lately with the younger crowd. These kids come in, bag a truck real quick with no intention of taking it to the next level. They just see the party side of it. There is a lot more to it than that. Yes, we all enjoy a cold, tasty beverage while hanging out talking trucks, but thats the whole reason we're here: The TRUCKS!! Yes, we older guys need to take part of the blame for not teaching the young guys what the culture is all about.

The old saying goes "One bad apple ruins the bunch." Well, the way I see it heading is a bunch of bad apples ruining the orchard. So what if you don't like the way a truck is built. Is it yours? No. Did you build it? No. Did it hurt you? No. Did it affect your income? NO! So let it go. Appreciate the work and effort that went in to it. Congratulate the person who built it for accomplishing something that they poured their heart and soul into. Its real easy to be a hard ass behind a keyboard.

The whole "hard ass" attitude needs to stop. If you come to a show looking to get drunk and "kick someone's ass" then stay home. We don't want you here. If you are going to go just to talk shit, then stay home. We don't want you here. If you are going to have a negative attitude in any way, stay home. Its not worth ruining it for everyone.

So, remember what got you into this lifestyle. Having fun is what its all about. So, stop all the hating. Its not worth it. Just my
mindlissmetalfab   +1y
OK I'll be the odd man out to say the other side.

WTF is hate, being a hater, haterade or any of this shit? You cant dislike something or have an opposite opinion of anyone else anymore without being a hater. If I see someone post up a picture of a truck that is a hacked fuckin mess, what do I say? Good work man, looks good. No. Why encourage that kind of stuff. keep my mouth shut so some other kid can make the same mistakes thinking theres nothing wrong with it because no one said otherwise? Where does that get us?

Now I fully understand that there are ways of approaching things. I'm not gonna say "hey man that work sucks and you're a dick lickin fag for making a mess of it" because that doesnt get anyone anywhere. BUT I will say my 2 cents on it and when I can I'll give my opinion on how to make it better.

I've been called a hater for recommending a forward 4 link over a reverse, or listing the downfalls of reverse 4 links, 2 links, 50/50s. Is that hate? I dont think so. But someone will surely pop up and say "fuck these haters man, they dont know shit, throw those links in there backwards I've been rollin mad hard like that for years".

All I'm trying to get at is it is a blurry line to try to define and to try to crack down on it could be tough. Is no one allowed to have a differing opinion or say they don't like something anymore? Thats horseshit IMO. If you dont like the opinion of someone else then fine. Dont listen to it.

This is something thats been buggin me for awhile now. What is the definition of a hater? Maybe some people just need to learn that its the fuckin internet. When you post something on the internet, especially on a forum, you need to be prepared to deal with someone who may have a different view on what you have done.

So anyways, I totally agree that some people are jackasses about how they approach things. And that kind of stuff should be dealt with. Theres no excuse for belittling someone or tearing someones work apart when you cant offer any constructive critism.

I dont know. I just think its gonna be a hard thing to police fairly.

TwistedMinis   +1y
Edited: 3/27/2007 7:18:27 PM by TwistedMinis

I agree. I should have never felt the need to make this back when I was new.
DAMN STRAIGHT, thats the whole reason i went to a different forum but i have my roots here so i will stay and help make it the best forum out there
Dj-Chuy   +1y
I totally agree...
Captain Quicktoy   +1y
Proeuro98 your signature is basically hate though. some kid may not have the time, ability , or know how to build a ride. he may find one he loves already built and buy it. WHY hate on him for that. hes proud of it, and you shouldnt look down on him or the ride cause hes not the original owner. I mean, ive owned my truck since new and can say I built it, but I didnt actually BUILD it. I paid people to do it and used mine and their ideas. and I have no problem telling people that cause its what i love but not what i have any skill in doing. so whats the difference of some kid buying a built ride and me paying others to build mine????
ashvdbx   +1y
Edited: 7/15/2009 12:04:25 PM by ashvdbx

had to delete because some people that we HAVE TO TALK TO ARE TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT

ashvdbx   +1y
iil blazer> i agree with you too> you should be able to say a negative if the work is shit, or whatever if asked but if asked!!! not just random shit not saying thats what you do just saying thats where alot of shit starts i think. and b4 i get "hated" on i dont mean all the young guys in my last post or not that any old guys cant be asses either. i have met some real cool younger guys and a couple old assholes so it can be anyone...
jumbo   +1y
Originally posted by baggedintheboonies

you'll never catch me hatin. lets all be like jeasus who loves everybody, and not like michal jackson who loves only little boys

Ok, i'm gonna be the one guy to hate on here, shane, you owe me a new laptop cause when i read this i spit my dip all over the keyboard!! J/K, i for one have never hated, i'm down with whatever, as long as it's not stock.
bad andy   +1y
I fully agree! We're all here for the same reason and thats the love of our past time, so why ridicule your fellow minitruckers because they performed a mod you might not have.... get rid of the haters!