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Audio/Video \  literally EXPLOSIVE tweeters!!!!!!!!!!

literally EXPLOSIVE tweeters!!!!!!!!!!

Audio/Video Q & A
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crzyone1013   +1y
hey everyone i had a strange thing happen to me on the way home from work today, one of my tweeters went hostile on me! i have them mounted at the top corners of my windshield and at the top back corners of the door openings in my truck. anyway, i have a kenwood excelon kdcx-791 head with the internal amp off and everything ran through external amps my mids and highs are ran off of an old school sony 400 watt amp and my subs are ran by two kicker kx1200.1 amps for my solobaric 15's. on my way home i was listening to some slipknot and the tweeter on the driver's side of my windshield blew up! it hit me in my left arm and hit me so hard it left a red mark! what looks to have been a resistor exploded and shot all of the tweeter assembely except the mounting base and chip inside at me. that is something i haven't seen before. have any of you guys seen or heard of this before? the tweeters are spliced into each of my speakers and my fosgate 4" in my dash is perfectly fine. all of my others are fine too. this is crazy.
purplekush   +1y
dssur   +1y
that happens when you run your amp into clipping and instead of a nice sine wave you get a "clipped" wave which to the speaker looks like straight DC and can pop capacitors.

lesson: turn it down, if it sounds bad inside its not any louder outside.
travisroy   +1y
1st, thats the worst locations you can mount tweets.
2nd, you were most certainly driving them too hard and/or had too low a crossover point on them

As a general rule mount the tweets and mids as close to each other as possible and then locate each tweet/mid combo (L & R) as close to an equal distance away from your head as possible (typically the kickpanels).

Yes the tweets probably did have passive crossovers on them but they obviously weren't doing the job. I have never seen or heard of a tweet launching itself before and that is after a decade doing live sound, recording, and competing at the top of the car audio world for awhile.
That one is a first.
crzyone1013   +1y
no clipping in my system and the amp is turned down and all crossovers are set accordingly for appropriate channels. sounds great to me and everyone that has heard it also at all levels. i don't turn my shit up to the point of distortion either. i had an installer help me with all of my settings and they are not wrong. i did not post this to get criticized about my stereo so if you have anything negative to say then u can go #$%^ yourself. have a nice day to everyone else. where i mount my tweeters is my damn business.
crzyone1013   +1y
no clipping in my system and the amp is turned down and all crossovers are set accordingly for appropriate channels. sounds great to me and everyone that has heard it also at all levels. i don't turn my shit up to the point of distortion either. i had an installer help me with all of my settings and they are not wrong. i did not post this to get criticized about my stereo so if you have anything negative to say then u can go #$%^ yourself. have a nice day to everyone else. where i mount my tweeters is my damn business.
neurotic   +1y
Does not sound like people are saying bad things. Simply stating issues that can cause the problem you are having. So far everythign being said is true fro mwhat I have learned and heard from stereo guys.
travisroy   +1y
Yes where you mount them are your business but if someone told you that they piped their exhaust into their interiors in order to do away with their heater what would you reply to them?

crzyone1013   +1y
i'm not trying to be hostile but i am aware of these things about distortion and the amp clipping so its no news to me. i did not over power the tweeters unless the wattage they say is blown out of proportion, which it probably is. they are phoenix digital tweeters and i only have arount 120 watts going to each speaker because i don't want to blow those expensive fosgate speakers or ruin any of my other stuff either. the tweeters "say" 300 watts but that is most likely bs. i checked them to see which ones were left functional and they all are nonfunctional so i most likely overpowered them. the reason i posted this is to see if any of you all have heard of a tweeter launching itself before, that is all. sorry if i came across as hostile.
BK2LIFE   +1y
Originally posted by travisroy

piped their exhaust into their interiors in order to do away with their heater...

damn, im doing that this winter for heat in my jeep!!