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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  Rat rod benz......

Rat rod benz......

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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replies 64
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ybnrmaldually   +1y
I like the look of benz
rat rod? no, but its cool in sense of what it is.
greenranger 23   +1y
i kinda like it
granth   +1y
gay. in every sense of the word. the whole point of keeping a rod that way, is it sorta tells the history of the car. those guys dont drill holes, shoot it, strip paint, spray baby puke colors and bloody shit colored paint on the just happens. And it HAPPENS to look 400% better when it's textured like old paint and rust, paint........and plastic.

You say rat rod, i say gay. Leave that look to the traditionalists.
tofnlows10   +1y
i like the paint.
liljlowrider   +1y
i think its pretty cool.. different for sure . not many people have the courage to take a benz beat it up and make it look old and shitty on purpose.

no1lowr   +1y
its not a rat rod, its a custom painted mercedes, the term rat rod is an insult to the first hotrodders, they didnt want to build the rods like that, thats all they could afford, the mercedes is cool, as gravity 5 said, he likes it, cuz he sees the custom paint and it looks awesome, u guys should do some reading about rods before you go calling a european custom painted mercedes a rat rod. newbish

sorry if i offended anyone, that term just bugs the fuck out of me. and now this
danc   +1y
i knew i was gonna get pissed before i even started reading this thread. rail it captured my sentiments exactly. you guys wonder why the older crowd looks down on you. here's a pretty good example why, no sense of history or desire to learn about it.
LowriderLee   +1y
I like this picture. Makes me think they are taking it to the junkyard where it would fit in the best.
So a mercedes with a themed paintjob is a ratrod? A full body car?

For some reason Ratrod is used like we use and or a. Your suede painted minitruck is not a ratrod. Your rattle can black primered import is not a ratrod. Most people use the term ratrod on different rides as a cop out for finishing it. We used to call it under construction but I guess ratrod is the new politically correct term so no one is offended. Kind of like how there is no such thing as a garbage man. They are sanitation engineers. Alot of rodders I know are offended by the term.

This is not a ratrod either. Some of you may call it that but it is not.

As far as the benz. Just because someone termed it wrong doesn't take away from the quality and amount of work that went into it.

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