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Mini Truckin General \  Thinking of actually opening up shop...

Thinking of actually opening up shop...

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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whynotfab   +1y
I think eventually you could make this work, and it's a great idea. You're good at what you do, and enjoy it.. so don't let anything turn you away. When I first read your post the first thing that came to my mind was "Can you live in it too?" haha.. since I've always thought it'd be cool to rent a shop with an apartment upstairs or something.. but on a serious note, I'd agree with everyone who suggested saving up to cover at least 6 months, etc. and have customers lined up. Looking forward to seeing a new post in the near future with pics of a badass shop
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by WhyNotFab

I think eventually you could make this work, and it's a great idea. You're good at what you do, and enjoy it.. so don't let anything turn you away. When I first read your post the first thing that came to my mind was "Can you live in it too?" haha.. since I've always thought it'd be cool to rent a shop with an apartment upstairs or something.. but on a serious note, I'd agree with everyone who suggested saving up to cover at least 6 months, etc. and have customers lined up. Looking forward to seeing a new post in the near future with pics of a badass shop

I wish there was enough property to build a big ass shop with a raggedy ass apartment attached to it. I'd live in something like that. But land is damn expensive out here.

I know that in two years, I will have the option to move into a larger shop. My grandparents own the building my uncles shop was in, and the lease is up in 2 years, could be 3 I can't remember. It got renewed a while back, but the guys are starting to show poor business ethics, and the lease will not be put up for renewal again. If all goes well with that, I'd like to rent it out. I've mentioned it before, but will probably talk seriously about it in the future. Its 3600 SF, with an office and showroom, and plenty of work space.
crazygenius13   +1y
I wish you lived just a liiiiiiittle bit closer to me dude. Seriously though, When push comes to shove, and you are really ready to take the plunge, I would consider kickin in for rent if I got a spot for my s10 or Mitsu (if I ever get that bitch) Then I could drive up on Friday night and work for 2 1/2 days straight and get my shizzle done with the quickness.

That way you could refer people to your in-house body man and we can both make some money, and people wouldn't have to cart their ride all around town to get it show ready.
BankruptRam   +1y
Hey Seth it sounds like rent is high out there. I'm payin $600 a month for 1500sqft with bathroom, water, cable tv and 24hr day/night vision cameras. I have a business license, name, logo and everything, but I also have a m-f 8-5 job. I am working and saving money and doing jobs here and there. Its not a bad idea to get a small shop that has room to expand, thats what I did. I just doubled in size about 2 months ago. I dont do jobs for a living, I do it because I love it I do it for fun and make some money. If you moved to Texas I'd let you work outa my shop. Your work is killer!
impounded dakota   +1y
As someone said before, i would, before you pick a place, set up a check list of things to get done before even considering signing a lease. You will need a business license, a tax id number, and to clear any zoning laws as to where exactly your allowed to weld, and where you are not. Something no one has said, and may seem outside the box, but i would also take the next 6-12 months, to go out and get certified in as many styles of welding as you can pull off. I would also take the time to take 3 or 4 basic business courses at your local Junior College. Alot of the local guys around here who start thier own shop get a few rides ahead and automatically assume they can start spending that money on other things. I would also take a basic accounting class so you know what to do at the end of the year with taxes, and setting up monthly schedules to pay your expenses.

As phil said a small business loan might help also, aslong as you factor it into the scheme of things along with all the other bills that will eventually pile up.

I wish you luck man i hope it all works out. You've certainly got the talent, just need the right plan to set things in motion.
Also don't limit yourself to the "Minitruckers". Get out to the Hot Rod, VW, and Import Tuner type shows. Work will dry up after you've done all the "Minitruckers" in your area. Those other enthusiast groups like air/bag set-up's too. Obviously!!! lol! Oh yeah, don't forget the the Urban Street/DUB crowd too.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by impounded dakota

As someone said before, i would, before you pick a place, set up a check list of things to get done before even considering signing a lease. You will need a business license, a tax id number, and to clear any zoning laws as to where exactly your allowed to weld, and where you are not. Something no one has said, and may seem outside the box, but i would also take the next 6-12 months, to go out and get certified in as many styles of welding as you can pull off. I would also take the time to take 3 or 4 basic business courses at your local Junior College. Alot of the local guys around here who start thier own shop get a few rides ahead and automatically assume they can start spending that money on other things. I would also take a basic accounting class so you know what to do at the end of the year with taxes, and setting up monthly schedules to pay your expenses.

As phil said a small business loan might help also, aslong as you factor it into the scheme of things along with all the other bills that will eventually pile up.

I wish you luck man i hope it all works out. You've certainly got the talent, just need the right plan to set things in motion.

Thanks Terry, I will definitely look into those things.

Originally posted by Crazygenius13

I wish you lived just a liiiiiiittle bit closer to me dude. Seriously though, When push comes to shove, and you are really ready to take the plunge, I would consider kickin in for rent if I got a spot for my s10 or Mitsu (if I ever get that bitch) Then I could drive up on Friday night and work for 2 1/2 days straight and get my shizzle done with the quickness.

That way you could refer people to your in-house body man and we can both make some money, and people wouldn't have to cart their ride all around town to get it show ready.

Thats cool. Just won't be a partnership deal. It would be two separate deals, no splitting the same paycheck type thing you know. I might get Everett into a small corner to build his 71. Lol.
purplekush   +1y
nothing in california is cheap

in my old neighborhood the 1 acre plot was 100k just for land

u wont find a 2 bedroom apartment that isnt rundown to the point of falling apart for under 600 bucks here.. and it gets worse if u go down south or up north.. where seth lives land and shopspace and even housing is expensive as hell.. and the prices keep going up... almost doubled the value of our house in the last 5 years
choppedn22d   +1y
Get a shop down here in RICHMOND!! And live in a RV outside, nobody will care its the ghetto. Yeah bitches!
Lowpuppy   +1y
its deffently alot to take into concideration. i'm in the process of getting my land rezoned from residential to general business and theres all kind of stuff i have to do before i can even begin construction of the building none the less open the doors.what i been doing for the past three years is renting the corner of a big bodyshop and i just pay the owner rent for that space every month...i use all my own tools but its good to be in a shop like that cause i can use the paint booth and frame machine anytime i need it. i would deffently look into renting something at a decent price before i jump headfirst into opening a all out busniess