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In. Re. Shops Screwin (Mind to Metal)

Full Size Truckin General General Discussions
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nryota   +1y
btw... for as much as you ppl are paying i am willing to quit my job and work on all your stuff full time. like i said i can do all the basics plus some. hell i did all the work on my two trucks and now i am redoing the yota. so i think that makes me fully qualified for the job. so when can i be expecting some money...?

SiknesOn24   +1y
Originally posted by dirkbelt

im not gona say they do all great work cause i havent seen everything they have done,but i have seen alot and they do some of the best work in the biz......look at hollys truck frame that ray built or the mazda and that says alot about his work!!!!!!!!when i get shit done it will be through ray and the crew at truck is built right and they are some ordinary kool ass peps!!!!!!!!!!!

i just hope all this gets settled and mTm dosent get their name drug all through the shitter cause there might me more to the story than u really know!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Being "cool" doesn't negate my argument. I could care less about someone being a "cool" guy. Being a complete cock head and getting the work done would be better than being "cool" and not. 2. Ricky's frame is a whole nother story. Don't go there. However, if you look at my previous thread, you will see that I have already said Ray can do some nice frame work. 3. Would you like to drive over to my house and check out the cab, since you seem to boast about the majority and integrity of MTM work?4. That is the story. There is no other. It is what it is. So quit assuming. 5. This thread was made for a reason. You are worried about MTM name being drug through the dirt? Guess what...there is a reason for it. I didn't walk over to that shop and hold them hostage and say "ha-ha don't work on my truck so I can make a thread about nothing getting done."

To the guy who made the comment about it can not get worked on if it's not there. It was there for 10 months and looked at what got done.

Anyways, Matt who use to work at MTM e-mailed me after he saw this thread. He called Ray and was basically the mediator between the two. He said that Ray was trying to turn over a new leaf and is getting into a smaller shop. He knows that mistakes were made. I'm supposed to give him a shout in a couple of weeks. He said my truck will be the first in his new shop and will get done. I know Ray can do some nice frame work if he actually works on it. Hopefully, he will resolve this problem like he says. We will see what happens.

Forever Draggin   +1y
sikness i wish u the best, was lookin forward to seeing it finished
Cosa Nostra   +1y
me to man that mazda the did is sick as fuck..i wish i had the money dude to help u finish ur truck..ive been watching it slowly come together and it was going to be bad fucking ass..dont give up man god works in mysterious ways..i mean look he gave michael johnson aids and hes still alive lol
werm   +1y
Ok as Justin just stated.. His truck will be the first in the new shop.. Ray and him are going to try and work this out, and thats what should be done. Ya Ray was in the wrong and he realizes that I believe. Why else would he be offering to try and make things right. So instead of this thread going on and on with certain people bickering back and forth about something that has nothing to do with them, lets just see what happens. Justin feels that he was done wrong, and I pretty much agree with him. Thats why me being a good friend to Ray and the shop I contacted him and said look this needs to get settled and things need to be set right. Thats what is up and air and both sides are working towards. So lets just see what happens I guess... I have faith in Ray that he will make things right, and from what I have seen he is trying his best to change where he was f'in up before. You live, you learn. Everyone makes mistakes and doesnt always do the right thing.. Sometimes people just need a harsh wake up call I guess.. Well I think Ray has had that wake up call. I have seen first hand that he is trying to go at things way different now. He knows that he needs to go back to giving it 110 percent now and stay focused, cause well when Ray is at his best and giving it everything he can we all know he can build some bad a** stuff. Sometimes shops just get in over in their head and lose touch with whats important. Some shops never make it out of that slump and they come and go... but knowing Ray for the past 7 or so years I know he wont let that happen with MTM. So let JUSTIN and RAY work this out and lets all see what happens. keywords being JUSTIN and RAY..
werm   +1y
Well if Rickys frame has to keep being brought into this.. lets get some things straight. This month it will have been there 14 months. Maybe that sounds like a long time to some people.. maybe not. The buildup has been WAY more than just a full frame. Its been a complete frame off resto.. With tons and tons of custom body, engine, and suspension mods.. I cant list em cause well im not a liberty to say lol. but well when you see this truck you will realize that there was a ton of work put into at MTM.. The only work not being done at MTM is the interior and paint. but ya if it was just a custom frame it would have left months ago.
renny   +1y
i hope this all works out for those guys.and from what ive heard, Ricks truck is gonna be the show stopper next looking forward to seeing Texas guys do it BIIG.
TXdime96   +1y
Well Let me in on this i know i am a little late. But Justin I know how ya feel why do you think i got out of there. I rember one time you and james sat the there at MTM waiting for 2 hours on Ray which they told you he would be back in "10 min." and he never showed up.

differnt subject....

I dont know know of any other good or bad shops in the area that cut bag mounts off "of a customers truck that had been sitting there for 6 months with the rockers cut off so it couldnt be takin' any wheres eles" grind them down to sell them for cheap to so dumb ass kid.

Or peoples deposits that end up payin for something eles besides parts for the customs truck. i could go on and on about this or i may have gone a little to far with this thread but what it all comes down to is research you shops!!!!!

I have alot more to say but hey just do yalls research and justin good luck to ya man and for everyone that thinks that i am hatin im just statin facts

aslo Minnesota SAM and Jameal this wasnt toward two keep up the good work and good luck to yall too
TXdime96   +1y
damn i was to worked up to worry about my spelling up there. ha.

why cant we all get along
ngacleetus   +1y
Edited: 10/1/2007 5:25:35 PM by ngacleetus

Originally posted by dragnframe

He took his truck out of the shop early. Can't work on the truck if it's not in the shop...

Yeah, apparently 10 months is just not enough time to get "something" done. I'm far enough at the moment to never use this shop, however, I am in the military so there is a possibility I could be close to there. Nice to have a heads up of who not to use if I do come there. I realize they are now trying to work things out, but depending on the outcome this is someone I will never use now. I have used a "reliable shop" before with work that was produced on time, but body work with so much bondo it was ungodly. Now everything is being redone with dents getting pulled instead of filled. Make a filing with the BBB if things aren't resolved, and I don't give a shizzle if I was the only truck in the shop, this same guy would not get the poo from my toilet as pay. Don't let them sucker you into paying more money for a "new shop" for work they should already have done to "make it right". For me, at this point, making it right would be a completed ride with no more money up front. They would get nothing more until completed. And please get something in writing that shows a timeline with expected completion dates. I get pissed just sittin here thinkin about it, and it isn't even my money. It is a real freakin shame that our "family" is full such fuktards with no moral value. But someone in the family has to ride the short bus. Good luck, and if it doesn't work this time, Sue that sumbitch, win or lose I'd make sure he spent so much time in court he couldn't touch another persons ride /End Rant