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Under Construction \  finally pics of full frame

finally pics of full frame

Under Construction General Discussions
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replies 26
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Master Fabber   +1y
Was wondering the same on the steering. There seems to be some major bump steer issues with the temp. steering setup, but what are your plans? Everything else looks great.
loweredtillidie   +1y
as of right now there is no steering setup on it. That is one of our major issues. I have a power rack off a MII but it's too wide and causes major toe problems durin travel. The plan is right now to sell the rack and make it rhd with a steering box
one_low_sixty8   +1y
what measurements do you have for:
Track width?
spread between mounting points on uppers (centerof driver bolt to center of passenger bolt)
and spread between mounting points on lowers (center of driver bolt to center of passenger bolt) ive done a lot of rack and pinions and might know of one that would work in your application..
time1   +1y
What about the exhaust? Looks like there isnt gonna be enough room?!
granth   +1y
Originally posted by lunatiksblazer

that frame is sick, love the front the way smart choice on the 350- now your wont be "Found On Road Dead"

well, he COULD be "found on road dragging" now hes just going to be draggin parts everywhere with that chevy in it! lol j/p man, frame looks killer!
marcus760   +1y
looks real good
lowrod63   +1y
nice frame work,thats sick man