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Mini Truckin General \  707 area minitruckers, custom car guys

707 area minitruckers, custom car guys

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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samcarroll   +1y
Edited: 9/29/2007 12:36:12 AM by samcarroll

definetly was a GREAT turn out! i was really happy. It was good to meet all of who i did and check out the sweet trucks!
crazygenius13   +1y
Pics are loading as we speak. Next one will probably have a bit more planning so security or even the Police won't have grounds to kick us out. If I have to, I'll get a permit, but I think permission from the property manager should be sufficient.

Thanks everyone for coming out, It was nice to see the custom car and truck community actually make an effort to come and do something in this area.
snugglesfon   +1y
Yea we should definately do it at least once a month, I had fun, I'll definately be out on the next one.
crazygenius13   +1y
Alright here are the pics, same link as on the flyers I was puttin in peoples vehicles.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by DIMADZN

Yeah we need to plan a next meeting. I am really happy with the turnout. Oh, and I hung out with the Lodi Freaks for about an hour after everyone left an didn't see a single COP.

I wasn't really worried about cops, I just wanted to get home. Its kind of a drive to make at 11 ish.
Pacificustoms   +1y
Great turnout guys! I had a grand time! Can't wait for next time!
poschevy   +1y
yeah the turn out was great, i will foresure bring my truck out next time. It was cool to see all the local rides.
bad andy   +1y
Great turn out, guy's! Lookin' forward to the next one.
crazygenius13   +1y
Oh, I forgot to post the link to the pics.

Yeah, thanks everyone for coming out and supporting the local scene. Maybe next time will be bigger, and a little more official.
lumpy   +1y
ya definatly.. next one on the 26th oct?????
maybe... or maybe during day on sat or sunday since it will start getting colder