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Mini Truckin General \  707 area minitruckers, custom car guys

707 area minitruckers, custom car guys

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 2080
replies 109
following 20
crazygenius13   +1y
I kinda wanted to do the next one on a Saturday staring around 12 or 1. That way it's in the middle of the day, then once it gets dark we can do some draggin and head home.
samcarroll   +1y
i was thinking putting this one at the new Nut Tree Plaza. Theres crazy amount of parking and slot of space. Theres spots for empty stores that we can take so were not "hampering" business.

And daylight pictures turn out better
lumpy   +1y
or at the baseball field behind it.....
easy to find and big plus its out of the way and not much around
crazygenius13   +1y
I'm gonna be contacting some people, so it all depends on who is willing to cooperate with us.... I will keep you al posted.
We need to find a pot without patrolling security guards.
lumpy   +1y
well i talked with my buddy mel from the speedshop on davis st. in vacaville
and also the owner of the quikstop there
they both said it was a cool idea to come there......
also stereo and wheel place and few other auto related shops so
having custom cars in there would not seem unusual

also talked with roxanne at anyone offeoad and theey cool with helping in anyway
so lets get it going again????????
Cosa Nostra   +1y
well to let everybody know were all getting together in modesto next weekend the 13th..meeting in lodi then go from there..should be good times got fresno rollin in just for this..should be some acro and pharcyde guys there too...hope everybody makes it!!!
crazygenius13   +1y
is this for the Toys for tots cruise?
Cosa Nostra   +1y
naw its an excuse to get everybody togethr and go out cruiseing n dragging...gonna be fun times
poschevy   +1y
on the 27 of this month i believe scotts bulldog cafe is having a cruise night. the owner scott is a great guy and is always trying to get me to bring the truck by, and has mentioned a few times about trying to get a few of my friends bagged trucks out there with all the hotrods. his cruise nights are usually pretty cool