Edited: 10/9/2007 8:13:13 PM by iLLblazer
Edited: 10/9/2007 8:12:21 PM by iLLblazer
I was looking at the new MT and in the show coverage there is a company selling pinstripe art with club logos already on them. It got me thinking more about something I always kind of wondered about...
I have had a few people that I've done club designs for laser cutting not come through to finalize a deal. So now I have some logos that are just sitting here on my computer doing nothing. Is it wrong to advertise that I have these, or for me to draw up the logos of some of the other big name clubs in my spare time? And then cut them to use as advertising purposes. ie have them on my site and people from those clubs can check them out and order or get different variations of them done?
I can think if a couple reasons maybe not to do it:
#1 I dont want to be the guy who sold a logo to someone who isnt in the club etc. I guess I'd have to hope people are above that but we've all seen guys running stickers etc from clubs they arent in
#2 I dont know if its right from a design perspective, unless I am approached by someone in the club to do it, as I was for the few I do have done, because its not my original work.
I can also think of some reasons why it might be beneficial as well though. It takes alot of the leg work out of it, and once I have the general design done its fairly easy to tweak it here and there to adapt it to different sizes, styles or parts... plus alot of people probably dont even know where to go for stuff like that etc. so in a way it might be helpful