Ok, I dont know why my last post didnt show up on here, but it explained it out in more detail...but here is my take on this,
Get Stroked has never and never will "steal" or "duplicate" ANY clubs logo. We have never had to. We started this company after the East Coast Bowling Nats in February when the clubs at that event went nuts over our bowling pins that we made as their "Best Of" awards.
EVERY club logo we display has been received by a member of that club. We dont just go "Well, lets make that clubs plaques and see how it goes" that would be silly, a waste of time and money for us and it is not the right way to do business.
We actually do the bulk of our business with companies and businesses. These clubs came to US. At every show we will have a club approach us and say "Where is our club? How come you dont have our club plaques out here?". Our response is the same every weekend "Because your club has not requested us to do so and we wont make them until the proper person has asked us to". It is then that they will email us their logo.
The ONLY WAY we will do a clubs logo on our merchandise is if we have a member or president EMAIL US THE LOGO, that way we have a name to give if someone says we "stole" it and also then we can know we went through the proper steps to get that club our merchandise and it was done by THEIR REQUEST ONLY.
In fact, most of our requests come directly from the Presidents of said clubs and if they have not come directly from the Presidents, we have since then, spoke with them and gotten a second approval. We do business with dozens of clubs big and small and if we dont recognize them as being a member of that club, we ask them to bring up a member with them to make their purchases or have a higher up member of that club contact us for approval. But like I said, this has NEVER been an issue.
Why would someone want a club plaque with a club name on it that he doesnt belong to?? Can someone answer that for me since that seems to be the big question here. This community would call a poser like that out so fast it would make his head spin and I am sure most of you would agree with me on that. Also, I think everyone that knows us personally would agree that the two of us running this company (yeah, just two of us) combined know at least one person from every club out there...we are at a car show over 45 weekends out of 52 every year and we get the approvals we need from the right people.....ALWAYS!
It sadens us to think there are people that feel what we are doing is disrespectful. We never intended to upset anyone. We dont sell club shirts, club stickers or club hats, we sell art...and that is all it is.
We do what we do because we were asked to, not because we saw the dollar. It takes alot of time and money to get these out there and we charge a very small amount of money for them.
Club pride, most will agree, is strong in this community and all we wanted to do was give clubs more ways to express their club families in their homes, shops and businesses and we are VERY proud to say we are doing just that.
Never once has a person approached us at a show and said what we were doing is wrong and we dont feel it is at all. Anyone that knows us knows we are not only going through the proper channels doing this but we are doing it for YOU GUYS. When the requests stop, we will stop.
If you check out our website, you will see that club merchandise is just a small percentage of our business. We specialize in ART, hot rod art, skateboards, mailboxes, bowling pins, switch plates...etc....we didnt sit on a couch and say "Hey how can we make a dollar off the clubs?" We would never do that. The man doing this art is an artist, he loves doing it and I support him in that, and always will. To say it is wrong is hurtful to us when the last thing we would ever do is disrespect the clubs that we call friends. We hang out with these clubs every weekend at shows, have dinners with them and share laughs and good times with them.
We welcome any questions or comments anyone might have on this issue and hope this post can shed some light on this issue.
We would also like to thank all of our supporters and friends...without you guys, we are nothing!
In closing I would just like to say this....We are minitruckers too, we supply a service that was asked of us, it is as simple as that. What would you do if you had a friend say "Hey, can you make me one of those with our club on it?"...cause that is what it was...FRIENDS asking FRIENDS and isnt that what all of this is about?
Thank you to all for your continued support and love!
Get Stroked