Originally posted by baggedMITSU
off topic but funny. and yah this thread went to shit. it was about terms not fashion. Ive been wearing dickies since high school when you could only find them at walmart and they werent double knee or cell phone pockets. so what though who cares, wear what you want. all clothes are a trend just like dickies, or your collar popped. When i go to the south i hate seeing thrashed baseball caps with cargo shorts! whats that all about. cant you buy a new hat, and why do your cargo shorts look like you got attacked by a cougar. At least my dickies are creased up and look clean, my flat bill isnt all worn and looks like a dragged it through a mud and oil pit. to each his own.
A FUCKING MEN!!!! i give everyone i see w/ ratted clothes that they bought all kind of shit. i was wearin my shit like that long b4 it was a trend(mainly cuz i was broke and wore my clothes for a long time)