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Mini Truckin General \  unlocked cell phone ?

unlocked cell phone ?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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jumbo   +1y
I know this is kinda off topic, but i need an answer pretty quick. I have a samsung blackjack that has sucked ass the last week or so. i don't get signal at my house, which is less than a mile away from the interstate. I have Cingular, if i buy a phone off ebay that is unlocked, does that mean i can buy a verizon, t-mobile, or sprint phone and use my sim card in it and it'll work? Since i upgraded in may, Cingular is saying that i can't upgrade again until february of 09. If i just buy a phone, i'll have to pay the list price (even the phones you get free with a contract cost $250 or so), so i was just going to get one off ebay if i can use it. Will it work? I don't want an iphone, and i don't really want to pay $500 for the cingular slider where the qwerty keybord is underneath, but i do want the keyboard. ANy suggestions?
creative concepts   +1y
you have to get a phone that uses a sim card. i.e. t-mobile, cingular/at&t and I think alltel uses a sim card. But you cant use verizon, sprint, nextel, helio, etc. they dont use sim cards.

If the phone is unlocked, you're good on any network.
jumbo   +1y
yeah, but if you have a sim card phone, your package is on the sim card. for example, i put my sim in my wife's phone, and you called my number, it'd ring on her phone, etc. if it's unlocked and does'nt use a sim card, i'm fukt.
creative concepts   +1y
yeah.. if you get an unlocked phone off of ebay that takes a sim card.. i.e. they will be labeled 'nokia 222 tmobile unlocked' you can use it on your cingular.
no1lowr   +1y
gsm unlocked phone will work with a sim card from tmobile, att

a cdma phone can not be unlocked, for instance you cant use a verizon phone with sprint service, the only phones that can be unlocked are gsm phones which use a sim.
waynehammer   +1y
if u get an "unlocked" phone that takes a sim card from tmobile like a sidekick, you can only use if for a phone. no internet or any features since cingular doesnt provide the service for those phones.its not even worth getting. best idea would be to stick with a cingular phone. no matter what it not gonna change your reception since u still have cingular on your sim card
creative concepts   +1y
Originally posted by waynehammer

if u get an "unlocked" phone that takes a sim card from tmobile like a sidekick, you can only use if for a phone. no internet or any features since cingular doesnt provide the service for those phones.its not even worth getting. best idea would be to stick with a cingular phone. no matter what it not gonna change your reception since u still have cingular on your sim card

what he is dealing with is.. he has badass service at his house his phone is just fucked.. my razr is the same way.. i get badass service everywhere with my sidekick.. it took a shit and i had to go back to my razr and the reception sucks.. but my razr is fucked up also. my girls razr still gets great service.

that's one main reason he is trying to get a new phon\e.
ec_dually   +1y
lmao this is a good one... i hear this all day, about reception in the house or the phone sucks, i work for sprint/nextel, what he needs to do is call into his provider and bitch and complain that his service sucks at in his billing area and anywhere he goes and threaten to cancel the service and tell them that he got a better offer from another provider with no contract extension andthey were gonna get the phone to him at a very discountd price and give him a couple hundred bonus minutes also.. see wyhat kinda deal they throw back at you to keep you as a custoemr, beside the razr is piece of shit phone to begin with... that is one reason whyt everyone gives it away with new line of service...
ec_dually   +1y
lmao this is a good one... i hear this all day, about reception in the house or the phone sucks, i work for sprint/nextel, what he needs to do is call into his provider and bitch and complain that his service sucks at in his billing area and anywhere he goes and threaten to cancel the service and tell them that he got a better offer from another provider with no contract extension andthey were gonna get the phone to him at a very discountd price and give him a couple hundred bonus minutes also.. see wyhat kinda deal they throw back at you to keep you as a custoemr, beside the razr is piece of shit phone to begin with... that is one reason whyt everyone gives it away with new line of service...
Big Rik   +1y
Alltel uses simcards or at least some do. Sprint/AT&T, Cingular, etc do as well. Im on Verizon, they do not use the sim cards.
What kind of phone are you using? There are a number of things that can cause poor reception. Im a level 2 certified cell repair tech, working on level 3 certification, ill help ya out if i can.