I know this is kinda off topic, but i need an answer pretty quick. I have a samsung blackjack that has sucked ass the last week or so. i don't get signal at my house, which is less than a mile away from the interstate. I have Cingular, if i buy a phone off ebay that is unlocked, does that mean i can buy a verizon, t-mobile, or sprint phone and use my sim card in it and it'll work? Since i upgraded in may, Cingular is saying that i can't upgrade again until february of 09. If i just buy a phone, i'll have to pay the list price (even the phones you get free with a contract cost $250 or so), so i was just going to get one off ebay if i can use it. Will it work? I don't want an iphone, and i don't really want to pay $500 for the cingular slider where the qwerty keybord is underneath, but i do want the keyboard. ANy suggestions?