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Mini Truckin General \  New MiniTruck Home Decor

New MiniTruck Home Decor

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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detached   +1y
ive never seen this pic on ssd and yet it has a white back ground... if i was ssd id watermark my images or have a bunch of transperantly outlined text running all over the images from now on.. if you dont understand what i meen go to and check out there catalog
post photo
detached   +1y
on top of that gauge magazine store uses white backgrounds & so does avs on there site so its hard to say whos jacking who..
2LOW4U   +1y
Ya the 4 link pics and the switch box pics are definitely exactly the same...
AVTekk   +1y
Edited: 12/12/2007 2:15:22 PM by AVTekk

That pic he has is of our old cup design, we changed them some time ago to allow the 2600s to be offset, that pic is like 3-4 years old at least. I can prove all the pics are ours by posting the raw images that were shot in the studio, but I sure don't want to dig through Elysia's hard drive to find them lol. I agree we should have watermarks on them but it clutters them up, and it would suck to change them all on the website since the site generates the thumbnails automatically.

I realize others use white backgrounds, but others don't have those pics. If you guys don't believe me, thats fine, the main problem is the parts are misrepresented since we don't sell to him, esp since thats our Universal 4link and his description says the bars come welded at 2 diff lengths (that kit comes one length as pictured with 31.5" bars).
mindlissmetalfab   +1y
Edited: 12/12/2007 2:21:11 PM by iLLblazer

Yeah lots of those pics are def SD pics.

I stick my logo in the bottom corner of most of my pics. You can also lay it over the whole image and just reduce the 'opacity' so you can barely see it. It'd be a lot of work to change all your existing pics but I'd definitely consider it for any new stuff you guys do.

It basically makes it look like he is selling SD components.
classicfinishes   +1y
I find it funny that a person from SD is on here talking about how someone copied their design when i know for a fact their new teardrop tubs were copied from a Stl. Severed Ties member!

AVTekk   +1y
I wouldnt be able to say who or what vehicle our tubs were 'copied' from, while those are def done nice and the first in an S10 (that I know of) teardrops have been used in the hotrod industry since forever..

But thats not the problem, the problem is as Joel states, it looks like hes selling our products.
bendapirate   +1y
Someone call the WHAAAAAAAmbulance!!!

We need 100 cc's of tampons!! STAT!!!
dragmatic   +1y
SD ,while building really heavy duty products, has tried to create a monopoly in this industry. Can we say Wal-Mart?