Wow someone read my mind and made a thread. Holy Mcfukin Hacks batman!!! Guys in the business can look at it two ways: ONE= they can get pissed because ALL these damn shows on TV show shit getting done within days. Metal work, body work, interior, paint, all in a week, come on and 1/2 of the time is spent on the fukin stereo!!! Anyone in the business knows this shit is bull, Ive spent longer than that just cutting and buffing after paint!TWO= Be happy, if you do any sort of quality work it will look 1000X better than that cool shit they saw on TV, that will make the customer really happy.
My question is how straight are these cars? On TV the side of a fukin milk truck can LOOK straight and pretty, They take them to shows and shit any one seen the body work on any TV car up close????