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Audio/Video \  unique auto aka holy terrible work batman

unique auto aka holy terrible work batman

Audio/Video Q & A
views 5985
replies 117
following 82
theinteriorshop   +1y
dont even get me started on this matter, they made fun of my interior on national tv at sema 3 years ago saying if he did stuff like this he would be fired funny think=g it made cover of mini truckin, Yeah i own the Interior Shop in Phoenix, and i have been in a hell of alot of magazines but what gets me is i call his little 5 foot ass and asked if he wanted to do a build off against me and he said it was not in his best business interests, so Here It is again Will you bring what you did and i will bring My stuff and Lets do a build off unless you dont think you have what you say. Yes i am calling you out, i cant belive you show what you do on TV and think thats custom. Call me
sectioned88   +1y
I'm not sure the last time there was a topic to come across this site that everyone agrees upon quite like this. I love it. I can feel the connection. Not one person is going to disagree and say they do decent work. I don't watch this show but I know enough to say these fools are low-end crooks.

This shop puts a kink into the saying "you get what you pay for."
groundedwatts   +1y
Unique does some sick ass work! I'd pay top-notch for the top-notch work they do....

...wait, who am i kidding, it's garbage and smells like an old grandma fart passing thru an onion.
surealcivic   +1y
Originally posted by Jubert

dont even get me started on this matter, they made fun of my interior on national tv at sema 3 years ago saying if he did stuff like this he would be fired funny think=g it made cover of mini truckin, Yeah i own the Interior Shop in Phoenix, and i have been in a hell of alot of magazines but what gets me is i call his little 5 foot ass and asked if he wanted to do a build off against me and he said it was not in his best business interests, so Here It is again Will you bring what you did and i will bring My stuff and Lets do a build off unless you dont think you have what you say. Yes i am calling you out, i cant belive you show what you do on TV and think thats custom. Call me your interior looks pretty damn good to me... fuck that guy i hate him and that shop with a passion...i hate how it takes them a whole week just to wire up a car for amps alarms and speakers and all that shit i can do a whole car in a day and probably have most of the box built lol
Uncle Fester   +1y
Originally posted by Jubert

dont even get me started on this matter, they made fun of my interior on national tv at sema 3 years ago saying if he did stuff like this he would be fired funny think=g it made cover of mini truckin, Yeah i own the Interior Shop in Phoenix, and i have been in a hell of alot of magazines but what gets me is i call his little 5 foot ass and asked if he wanted to do a build off against me and he said it was not in his best business interests, so Here It is again Will you bring what you did and i will bring My stuff and Lets do a build off unless you dont think you have what you say. Yes i am calling you out, i cant belive you show what you do on TV and think thats custom. Call me

Having been to Juberts shop I can say first hand he does badass work. I would be so down to see the build off cause he would get his ass handed to him. Not in best business interest = he would look like a hack. If you need a truck for the build off look me up

theinteriorshop   +1y
Lets Get this Build Off Going, someone here has to know someonw to Make this happen,
stlowburban   +1y
Dude is definately a hack. Saw him at autoRama in houston. Like two people went for his autograph ov a 30-45 min period. The old ass retired wrestlers had 20 times the line he did. That fool even had Bill from Ekstensives 300 on his commercial for a while. F*@kin TOOL!! I tell people everytime they bring up that show that I know dude that work out of their garage that do way better work than those fools.
FluffyFreak   +1y
Todd you knwo that bitch would be like we dont cut frames on cars...thats dangerous and unsafe......cuz hes a fucking lil cuban FAGET
Todd it's just like how Bike build off would not pit WCC against OCC. It's not in their best interest to make a cash cow look bad. Just watching the show and how UA acts makes them look bad enough. You have an owner that is basically a glorified detailer. The only reason he is where he is, is because a rapper front him cash to look better. The other day they showed a "new" episode which was them working out of that dumpy shop. After 2 minutes I realized why I don't watch it. Half of his hardcore team that is irreplaceable was gone.

Why should they give Todd free advertising? Thats what it comes down to. Todd didn't grow up detailing cars at the local something etc. But Todd has a way better story to go along. You don't get mad enough and yell at people because you can't do the work. Where would the drama be? It would be like watching Foose work his magic. Everyone walking around singing. Oh wait there are shows like that.
scortboy   +1y
I'm also reminded of the episode I saw where the guy calls up, says he's from JP Morgan and says he's got 10 Magnums to do, and the first one needs to be done in like 6 hours time. In the end Will can't find the guy, doesn't even work for JP Morgan. Will got conned. It was funny because throughout the episode he keeps talking about not worrying about getting paid, about getting the work done then worrying about the money. SPEED put it together great on tape to foreshadow he was about to get screwed. In the credits they said they still hadn't found the guy. It's funny, he does business with a guy he never met face to face, but on another episode he was bitching at the driver about picking up checks and about how important it is to get paid when they deliver the car, from Marcus
Banks, a guy I'm sure they'll have no problem getting money from (that is unless he was afraid he'd realize the work was overpriced and refuse payment!) yet in the JP Morgan situation he acts the opposite way about a guy he never met. Smart fellow.

I give Will credit for finding a niche, but what it boils down to is he's a high end version of Circuit City or Best Buy. Production line installs with a hit of "uniqueness" but they aren't really what SPEED or Will try to portray it as, a true custom shop. If you want that, go find a shop like Rad Rides by Troy. The problem is, a shop like Troy's takes months to go from start to finish and to a TV production company, that's to much film time per project. With unique, they get three or four rides per show which keeps the couch potatoes interested. The average Joe doesn't know the difference between a shop that takes 2000 man hours of hand fab to build a ride and one that suckers rap and sports starts out of the same amount of money for a tenth of the manhours. That's probably why RIDES is not around any longer. That was a great show when it came out, but I'm sure cost of production per episode was to much because of the time they spent at each shop with each project. Hard to get the sponsors/endorsements/product placement to keep it going when you're jumping shop to shop all the time.