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Mini Truckin General \  blazerado res. question

blazerado res. question

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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wickedinsides   +1y
i think its fucking sweet and ssc doesnt own it anymore, cory does
tuckinlugs06   +1y
no its not the same truck when nothing from the org truck is on the mew one ...ok so since they changed the paint to sonthing way diferent and used a new body and put dif wheels on it redid the sysem that could not compare to the 1st and no sunroof this time and some odd body line ..anothing not even one bolt from the old one would this be the same truck to sorry but when the orj theme on the truck is changed then its not the same...mabe they just build one just like it and since it got such a good responce from the 1st time then they called the one they built to there likings not farva's then they would call it the same truck for the celeb status it had...
tuckinlugs06   +1y
and for the slow ones that only read the last post and dont know how to scrool threw and read i have never said i did not like the truck you need to shut your fuck hole
pimptruckman92   +1y
I think that trevor has the correct argument with chico and brandts truck for example. just b/c its a different version doesnt mean its not the same truck, just a different idea of how the owner wants it. and for all the people that arent convinced its the same look at all the similarities: same engine, same narrow hood setup, same dual alternater setup, same serp belt setup, same dash and center console just recovered, TOO MANY of the same things for it to be a different truck. I dont like the new colors personally or the weird bodylines (i thought they were dents in the new minitruckin). but i dont have to like everything i see and i can respect it enough that its how the owner wants it. imagine that your out showin your truck off and someone said "that paint color looks like shit!" no one tells you what they dont like about your ride. and if they do more than likely you'll say you dont care b/c its your not thiers. ISNT THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF CUSTOM? i say "to each his own"
llatinostyle   +1y
Dude!You seem to be the only prick,suggesting it's not the same truck.It's the same.I'm sure DMV title is the same.I'm sure sheetmetal in many locations are the same,as in one picture,most of the right side is intact.No one has to lie about a truck.They could just have built this truck,said it was a new truck,and people would still say they like the 1st one better.If you don't believe it's the same,big shit!That don't make it so.You weren't there to "prove"to "you"that it's the same?Shit!Don't anyone do anything without Tom there,as he won't believe it,unless he sees it with his own beedy little eyes.
disfiguredS10   +1y
If you look a little more closely @ the wrecked pics most of the major damage was done to the roof & pillars. Also keep in mind that 95% of the sheetmetal that was damaged was originally put there by SSC so how why would it be impossible for them to do again?
bagged92   +1y
Originally posted by IDMINITRUCKER

Originally posted by Pootus

Originally posted by AIR EQPT

Ya just incase you have not seen before this is the original Blazerado and its deffinetly not coming back from this.

shit'll buff out.

he should know that he is a detailer for a living lol

and any one that has ever worked at a body shop knows that is fixable it is just a ton of work. we have fix as bad if not worse it just depends on how much you want to spend

im with you on that one, we have never had any that bad, but we get alot of crushed roofs from tress, that could be fixed, and it obviously was, almost anything could be fixed, it just depends on how much time and money you want to spent
greenranger 23   +1y
hell i like both paint jobs. man i wish my truck looked that good so people can make fun of it.
ginger ninja   +1y
Paintjob is sweet. original and present paintjobs. SSC are the shit.

Much respect from over here in Australia. more mods less hate.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
fukin sik truck! now i can't wait to see the mazda done.