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Mini Truckin General \  Another gas price thread

Another gas price thread

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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following 74
lucky_brew   +1y
LMFAO! ironically i contract for shell (well,! they pay me well but i dont buy their gas! boycotting gas stations wont do it! 33% of american FINANCE their food on a credit card! over 70 something% owe more than 10 years of their income toward debt! pay cash for EVERYTHING! and that alone will turn the economy around!
trenth48   +1y
Originally posted by thedurtyone

Originally posted by BclassBD

You guys still buy from chevron??? your crazy. Because of them and shell they gas prices are so high! Boycotting those two stations right there is a step twards getting the prices down.

yea everyone should boycott those to companies...they are the cheapest companies to haul loads for yet there fuel is the highest....i go in the hole everytime i accept a load for chevron

Won't work, think about it, if you quit buying from the big companies and start buying from the smaller companies, they would just swap places and we'd still be screwed. the small companies would become big and the big get smaller.
lost cause   +1y
Originally posted by fatboysS1O

i dont even look anymore cuz i know im getting raped regardless.

^^^^^ same here
munk3yx   +1y
I dont get it, when gas was like 2.80 it took like 50 bucks to fill up my tank, now its 3.40 and i just filled up (i was on E both times) and it took 45? why would it cost more to fill the tank up with the gas higher, then when its cheaper? lol I mean I do have a huge ass dent in my gas tank now but i doubt the dent is 5$ worth of gas confusing, and this is what this guy told me at work....

The truckers union is going to go on a strike for 2 weeks to royally fuck the high priced shit
junior   +1y
it will take a nation wide trucker strike to even make a lil bit of difference...a oil company man told my dad a few yrs ago if every truck stopped rollin for 3days it would take over 6 months to re-cooperate from the blow
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by BclassBD

You guys still buy from chevron??? your crazy. Because of them and shell they gas prices are so high! Boycotting those two stations right there is a step twards getting the prices down.

When I have to yes. The only time I am near anything else is when I am going to school. Its not worth driving 20 miles to fill up.
dragnlow   +1y
The gas is going to have a big impact on the scene and about our every day way off life. We need to bag scooters!
mississippirob   +1y
Thanks to the decline of public education I paid 32 cents a gallon on Tuesday!!! The waterhead behind the counter put the decimal in the wrong spot when she set the pumps up for the day. I got 6 gallons for 2 bucks. by the time I made to my shop and back, they realized their error and changed it....dammit.
dssur   +1y
Originally posted by thedurtyone

it will take a nation wide trucker strike to even make a lil bit of difference...a oil company man told my dad a few yrs ago if every truck stopped rollin for 3days it would take over 6 months to re-cooperate from the blow

no, thats an old wives tale. the truth is that gasoline is an "inelastic good" which means there arent many substitues, so no matter how high the price gets, people will continue to buy. The realtruth is that truckers would need to work long before the price of gas would ever come down, and it probably wouldnt come down anyway, so a trucker strike would just create a shortage of OTHER goods that are elastic in demand (many substitues) and money would shift from delivered goods to on hand goods.

the other truth is that we have been spoiled with low gas prices for years and years and years, decades really. Adjusting for inflation, the price hasnt increased much since the 70's (not counting the oil crisis). In europe, like the UK, gas has been over 5 dollars a gallon for years and years.

if you were thinking about buying a seconhand fuel efficient car, now is the time. Buying one new would just be shifting your money from low mpg to a high car payment, so buy 10+ years old and pay cash.
impounded dakota   +1y
Originally posted by Russ-D

Originally posted by thedurtyone

it will take a nation wide trucker strike to even make a lil bit of difference...a oil company man told my dad a few yrs ago if every truck stopped rollin for 3days it would take over 6 months to re-cooperate from the blow

no, thats an old wives tale. the truth is that gasoline is an "inelastic good" which means there arent many substitues, so no matter how high the price gets, people will continue to buy. The realtruth is that truckers would need to work long before the price of gas would ever come down, and it probably wouldnt come down anyway, so a trucker strike would just create a shortage of OTHER goods that are elastic in demand (many substitues) and money would shift from delivered goods to on hand goods.

the other truth is that we have been spoiled with low gas prices for years and years and years, decades really. Adjusting for inflation, the price hasnt increased much since the 70's (not counting the oil crisis). In europe, like the UK, gas has been over 5 dollars a gallon for years and years.

if you were thinking about buying a seconhand fuel efficient car, now is the time. Buying one new would just be shifting your money from low mpg to a high car payment, so buy 10+ years old and pay cash.
