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Mini Truckin General \  First Tattoo?

First Tattoo?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Lunchb0x23   +1y
I'm thinking about getting some ink this summer and I dont know what to do yet... I'm thinking something on my back between my shoulders/on one of them, possibly my forearm but I want something i can cover up, I'm a business major :smoker:
SixInchWat   +1y
do it...
im only 18.
and have about 12 hours under the needle haha.

have any ideas of what you want?.
leydbck   +1y
do your homework. Go to some shops and get to know the artist. Find out what style of tattoo they prefer to do. Try to stay away from the "McDonalds" type places(Get you in, take your money get you out) Those are the places that usually use noobs who are trying to get the hang of tattoos.
Be smart as to what you get and where.
smctoy   +1y
Yea Ive got several tattoo's & all of them can be covered by just wearing a regular t-shirt. Best way to gigure out what you want is to look at some ink magazines & websites!
Youll be surprised at what you find & you may actually find several that you like & just combine them to make one tattoo!!
Lunchb0x23   +1y
i thought about doing an oldschool bomber chick ... i like the idea...

yeah im only 19
impulse   +1y
tattoo's are stupid.
if any one tells you it didnt hurt, dont believe them. it hurt like hell. felt like someone cutting me with a razor blade.
NC Dave   +1y
i slept thru most of mine.... but the one one my foot hurt like fuckin hell....

like the dude said before make sure u pick a shop u trust do ur homework we got a lot of B/S shops here in Ga that suck ass
menace   +1y
ive heard that gettin a tattoo feels like dragging a razor blade 1/4" deep into your skin... sounds like a good time to me lol
BggdNBdyDrppdJunk   +1y
mine was fine until it hit my shoulder bone, and filling in big spots with color is no fun either, doesnt "hurt" but it sure aint comfortable, but as for gettin it, wait a good while so youre positive you want it, your kids'll see it