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Mini Truckin General \  GAS STRIKE


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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tealchevy   +1y
gas is just catching up to the decline of the value of the dollar. It will get up to 5 or 6 bucks before the price increases slow down

Something can only bend so far before it breaks.

scotto79   +1y
Originally posted by tuckinyota

We shouldn't not buy gas on a certain day what we should do is not buy from the largest gas companies (Exon, Conoco). Once we stop buying from them they will have to lower there prices to get back the consumers which will intern lower the prices of all the companies for competition.

Thats pretty hard to do since there are only so many oil suppliers that spread out to all the smaller chains.
dssur   +1y
I agree for the most part Chris. the problem with alternatives to gasoline is that, too rapid a switchover will hurt a LOT of people, much more than increasing gas prices. Think of it this way: A device is invented, refined, or otherwise released that eliminates or seiously decreases the dependency on oil.

1. The people who make gasoline will scale production, and the cost of kerosene, plastics, and other petroleum based products made from oil would skyrocket.

2. the people who haul, deliver,and store gasoline would have to find other work.

3. Gas stations, which sell more than gasoline, would be reduced by about 90%, leaving millions on unemployment.

4. The domestic oil production would declline, leaving even more people jobless.

5. Foreign oil production would also decline, and the countries would enter economic recessions, requiring them to call in their loans to the US, raising taxes.

Gasoline is the root of our economy, it keeps about 1/5th of every citizens income in continuous spending. Thats why gasoline is taxed like it is, because everyone needs it and even the most miserly rich people spend on it. With an efficient alternative power source, the balance shifts again, leaving the country without income to build armies and provide for defense, leaving a lot of direct and indirect citizens jobless. Whatever relaces gasoline needs to be as available for everyone to make money on.

I read that there is enough natural gas burnt off the Alaskan oil feilds every day to power California for two days. Why? Because the cost of piping it to California would be non-profit once the resulting gas supply would lower energy costs. No one is looking for a solution because there is still so much money to be made.
draggindakota   +1y
Yeah, there's really nothing we can do about it but bend over and take it. When I first got my Dakota in 98 I was paying less than a buck a gallon for regular in the off season.

thacru78   +1y
Inflation is why gas is so high. Same with groceries.....The U.S. dollar compared to foreign currency is very weak. In some countries it's near half the value that it once was. That means if we buy $100 dollars of oil from Saudi, yet our $100 is worth only $50 to them. Then we get $50 worth of oil for a $100. We have to pay double money to get the same amount of product. Then the importers take that cost and put it on the population. The US needs to quite pooring 2 billion a month into Iraq and start putting that money towards the National Debt, that way the dollar can actually be worth something again. That will start with getting the 3rd grader out of office....Just my .02
tealchevy   +1y
research alternative fuels and fuel sources.....Oil companies are snatching them up one by one. Patent by Patent. As soon as one is discovered or refined to a state in which it would be resourceful there is a man in a suit waiting to buy the rights to it.

neurotic   +1y
very true on that last statement and if you dont sell it you most lilkely would end up dead so that it cannot go on any futher. I remember a few different things in the news jsut a few years back about different things people did and made there car run on. and bam now nothing more has happened about it.

I say first of all nothing will happen till Bush is out of office reason being is his whole family is in oil and al lof his big money friends are also oil people. he is not going to try and hurt the hands that feed him.
oneup   +1y
Gas prices are the least of our worries as BIg said the worth of our dollar is going down I work for a company that buys direct from china on stuff and we are raising all of our pricing as well due to china's monetairy value increasing an average of 10% a month compared to ours which means eventually china's money will be qworth the same if not more than ours which will force all the factories overseas to spread out to other poverty striken countries to maintain there cheap pricing which will eventually make their economy grow as well until one day we will be the poverty striken country that everyone wil lturn to to make cheap goods. It is social decline no matter how we look at it there really is nothing we can do except use less gas not quit using it at all but instead of making four trips into town for odds and ends put it off until you can make one, carpool to and from work, do not do any unneccessary driving which also will help the enviroment by the way so it makes you really think yeah I enjoy driving my truck and hitting shows but if I have to choose between having groceries or money for frivilous other things that I enjoy of the plant nature and driving my truck and going to shows call me a homeboy cause thats were I'll be at home looking at my poor truck in the gargae crying myself to sleep wishing I could just take her for one spin. Or I might be at a second job so I can afford to take my truck for a spin ojnce a week.
mike86mazda   +1y
everyone just needs to get an american made scooter... turn this bitch into far west asia
B_Y_O_B   +1y
you know what i find interesting though... according to jakes graph he posted when bush sr was in office the gas prices were down. maybe jr shoulda paid more attn to his daddy