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Mini Truckin General \  Beware of CDubz aka

Beware of CDubz aka

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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urdaddy   +1y
ya mabe he should have ust used some bubble gum insted of a welder...
CCtuckinlexaniz   +1y
Originally posted by Byrdman

good pictures though

lol really tho!!!
suckafree   +1y
Edited: 5/5/2008 4:59:45 PM by suckafree

im not gonna argue with any opinions here. yes i could do a hell of alot better. yes i lost on this. no i didnt do andy's frame work chris is back halfing. yes the blazer was a million times better and so is my mazda. i invite anyone to come and look at the quality of a NO BUDGET NO DEADLINE truck build. Nick if you didnt like the work, you could have called me or even emailed instead of waiting almost a year later to give me the finger. Sorry for YOUR lack of communication. I would have done something to make it right. But taking a loss, waiting months for you to give me 70 bucks to build your truck on a radio shack budget.

thank you and have a nice day.CDUBZ aka keep the hate coming
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CCtuckinlexaniz   +1y
Originally posted by suckafree

Edited: 5/5/2008 4:59:45 PM by suckafree

im not gonna argue with any opinions here. yes i could do a hell of alot better. yes i lost on this. no i didnt do andy's frame work chris is back halfing. yes the blazer was a million times better and so is my mazda. i invite anyone to come and look at the quality of a NO BUDGET NO DEADLINE truck build. Nick if you didnt like the work, you could have called me or even emailed instead of waiting almost a year later to give me the finger. Sorry for YOUR lack of communication. I would have done something to make it right. But taking a loss, waiting months for you to give me 70 bucks to build your truck on a radio shack budget.

thank you and have a nice day.CDUBZ aka keep the hate coming

hum ya i guess a radio shack budget just aint gona cut it. maybe he should of pushed out a lil more $$$.
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mindlissmetalfab   +1y
I love guys that blame the customer when they do shitty work. You either do good work or you don't. If someone isnt willing to pay for it, tell them to get fucked. Don't half ass the work and then blame the customer. You took the job. You Fucked it up by the looks of things, so the price really doesn't matter. I dont know of too many business that offer reduced rates to people who want shitty products.
low f350   +1y
Would it really take that much more time to run some good quality welds? I think not!!! That is being lazy as hell!! Also, what if some of that shit broke and someone got killed? Would you blame the customer then to?
bdydrppup   +1y
the mazda frame looks great but im not sure what happened to that guys frame, doesnt look like the same work, you can lay down a nice bead just as quick as you can a shitty one, so why not do it
Byrdman   +1y
its a shame, what he posted up looks like some nice welds..

i think its also a shame if u blame some1 for wanting to ride custom on a budget and charging him cheap knowing ur gonna do dangerous, halfass, sloppy work. I dont see y u just didnt hold a gun to his head and steal his money. cause that work is gonna kill some1.

he needs to take it to Twist OF Cain... He can fix dumbass work like that, he fixed mine
suckafree   +1y
Originally posted by iLLblazer

I love guys that blame the customer when they do shitty work. You either do good work or you don't. If someone isnt willing to pay for it, tell them to get fucked. Don't half ass the work and then blame the customer. You took the job. You Fucked it up by the looks of things, so the price really doesn't matter. I dont know of too many business that offer reduced rates to people who want shitty products. your right, if i would have known it would have been such a hassle to get pennys from the kid...i woudnt have taken on the job in the first place. and if i was a mind reader i would have made it right months ago. if he would have been a normal person and looked it over and said "im not happy with the work" i would have been more than happy to fix it, better, for free! but we are beyond that now arent we?im not a crook, im not a hack. honestly i was going through a hard time around then that i dont want to talk about. i apologise to Nick, and yes I would have made it right.
severedmikey   +1y
Originally posted by low f350

Would it really take that much more time to run some good quality welds? I think not!!! That is being lazy as hell!! Also, what if some of that shit broke and someone got killed? Would you blame the customer then to?

no shit man. you had to weld it anyway, did you do that shitty on purpose because YOU didnt charge enough money. and it makes you look even worse putting up pics of nice stuff you did, what are you trying to prove there. that you are capable of doing good work, it just depends on whether or not you give a shit that day...