Originally posted by iLLblazer
I love guys that blame the customer when they do shitty work. You either do good work or you don't. If someone isnt willing to pay for it, tell them to get fucked. Don't half ass the work and then blame the customer. You took the job. You Fucked it up by the looks of things, so the price really doesn't matter. I dont know of too many business that offer reduced rates to people who want shitty products. your right, if i would have known it would have been such a hassle to get pennys from the kid...i woudnt have taken on the job in the first place. and if i was a mind reader i would have made it right months ago. if he would have been a normal person and looked it over and said "im not happy with the work" i would have been more than happy to fix it, better, for free! but we are beyond that now arent we?im not a crook, im not a hack. honestly i was going through a hard time around then that i dont want to talk about. i apologise to Nick, and yes I would have made it right.