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Mini Truckin General \  How much would you charge?

How much would you charge?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by Dustins10

if hes a buddy do it for free


lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by Russ-D

once you add money to a friendship it goes bad. tell him to park in your garage as long as he needs for free, or tell him to find storage, but dont charge him or it will always be a problem later on.

81layndoor   +1y
if he is a good friend dont charge my buddy wanted to work on his truck at my dads house torn down for maybe a month or two most then about three years later it was leaving in the mean time he welded anything my dad needed welded. just tell him he owes you one and find out about the if something happens to it stuff and can u drive it if needed
unusualfabrication   +1y
Originally posted by Uncle Fester

For the liability of having anything happen to it, need to establish where you are liable and where he is. What if it gets a dent, who liable? Also if heavens forbids house broken into? If it was strictly business, about $120 a month is a good rate for a secured storage.

This is the truth! I had a friend that parked his truck in someones garage and when he went and got it out there were scratches and what not all over it. When questioned the garage owners reply was "I don't know how it happened" or "I didn't do it"! If he's offering to pay shoot him a low good buddy price. He knows that you'll be leaving yours out so he wants to give you something in return. I know that I don't like to freeload and if I can put money in my friends pocket I would rather do that than at some random storage unit.
jsondrops   +1y
Originally posted by UnusualFabrication

Originally posted by Uncle Fester

For the liability of having anything happen to it, need to establish where you are liable and where he is. What if it gets a dent, who liable? Also if heavens forbids house broken into? If it was strictly business, about $120 a month is a good rate for a secured storage.

This is the truth! I had a friend that parked his truck in someones garage and when he went and got it out there were scratches and what not all over it. When questioned the garage owners reply was "I don't know how it happened" or "I didn't do it"! If he's offering to pay shoot him a low good buddy price. He knows that you'll be leaving yours out so he wants to give you something in return. I know that I don't like to freeload and if I can put money in my friends pocket I would rather do that than at some random storage unit.

i see what you guys are saying but "strictly business" and being good friends are 2 totally diff things.If you dont feel like his ride is safe in your garage for 3 months tell him that,or if its a pain in your ass tell him,or if you need some money tell him!
nissandoordragger   +1y
do it for beer i do all kinds of shit for my freinds and they all know to just give me some budweiser i dont care
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by nissandoordragger

do it for beer i do all kinds of shit for my freinds and they all know to just give me some budweiser i dont care

i can get you a keg! i need my sons nissan done! HA!

stickboy   +1y
for a buddy no charge if something crazy happens well your buddy will understand that its not your fault. and the less you move it in and out the less people will even know its in your garage. its always good to have a friend owe you a favor. you never know what happens to you later in life you might need to live in his garage? who knows.
2tonesdime5   +1y
if i had the room, i would do it for free.. if it was something that was going to be an inconvience (which you stated) i would charge something...
Wakeboard03S10   +1y
So I talked it out tonight with him and told him he could leave it there for free and he insists on giving me 200 for the three months and he wrote up a little contract just stating that if house gets broken into or anything like that randomly happens that his car insurance will cover it or my homeowners insurance will cover it. Just so everything is put in writing and no ones butt gets hurt over something stupid. Thanks alot for the input.
I started looking and there is alot of random things that can be moved to other storage that I have and I can get both his truck in my truck in the garage if I do some moving and rearrange.