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Mini Truckin General \  can someone tell me what this is?

can someone tell me what this is?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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my levl   +1y
Edited: 5/13/2008 7:37:25 PM by Uncle Fester

Edited: 5/13/2008 7:28:45 PM by my levl

Edited: 5/13/2008 7:28:20 PM by my levl

Edited: 5/13/2008 7:27:51 PM by my levl

im thinkin it is some type of relay. power comes into it from my battery, then the two wires that come from my pressure switch screw to it and then on the other side of it there are two power wires connected to it that go to my two compressors.

im pretty sure it is burned up. when i bypass it and touch the hot wire from the battery to the two hot wires from the compressors they turn on. but when i leave it hooked up it dont come on like it used to and i know the pressure switch is good cuz it is sending power. here are the pics, someone please let me know where i can get a new one at to replace this one.

**** Fixed pic link ;)
lowdime904   +1y
Edited: 5/13/2008 7:37:02 PM by lowdime904

relay or starter solenoid. i run the stinger/swinger 80amp relay that SD and a few other places carry
my levl   +1y
Originally posted by lowdime904

i run the stinger/swinger 80amp that SD and a few other places carry

so what is it? it is a relay?
Uncle Fester   +1y
Pics fixed
lowdime904   +1y

but it seems more like a relay than the starter solenoid (altho ive only messed with one of those)
my levl   +1y
ok, i found the one on SD.COM u were talkin about. does anyone know if anyone carries these locally here in houston?
pugz   +1y
its a starter solinoid.(sP) alot of people use them instead of regualar relays. go to auto zone and tell them u need a solinoid for a ford they should know exactally what u need
lucky_brew   +1y
looks like a generic solenoid. any parts house will carry them. o'reily's, autozone, advanced auto, napa, etc...
ShakinPlates   +1y
NO NO NO GUYS. Most soleniods sold at parts houses are not continuous. Starter soleniods arent intended for continuos use. Better to order off of avs, sd, or fbi and know what you are getting is right.
my levl   +1y
thanks guys. im gonna go see what i can find.