Ya, sometimes that can be a dangerous question. I don't know why we answer like that "nothing" when there really is something! We're retarded like that I think. I'm guilty of it. Idk why. But sometimes, SOMETIMES it's something that he did, and should really know what he did cuz it was just THAT stupid/irritating/mean, whatever. But then again, sometimes it's the way he asks, like if he asks what's wrong in a tone like "what the hell now??" or like " we go again" then I would feel like, well he really doesn't care so why should I tell him, it's just going to start a fight anyway.
But then again, if he asks in a tone like, "what's wrong, how can I help" Then I'm more likely to just tell him. Only if he really seems to care.
And if you use the 'its all my fault' line everytime, then that can lead to a fight to. Esspcially if she really knows that she's over-reacting, or if it has nothing to do with him at all, then she's going to think he's just trying to get out of a fight, and that's a whole new can of worm for that fight.
We're bitches. Really. There's really no trying to figure us out. Hell sometimes the whole problem is we dont know what the hell our OWN problem is, so anything else is just going to make it worse.
I know this doesn't really help, but maybe it does. Basically what I'm saying is, there's really no 'safe' way around that question. It is TOTALLY a random hit or miss. You get lucky and she answers you or you start a fight. It's a pretty shitty deal. Sorry.