You said you need the extra money to put into your truck but that it would take away quality time with your wife and child. Sounds like a "no-brainer" to me.
Sell your project. That's right, Pay off some bills and and spend time with your family. Make your new mission to become debt free. Sacrificing your 'toy' in the short term and taking care of your family takes a real man. Then in the future when you got some change in your pocket, buying toys or parts or whatever won't strain your wallet.
If you're struggling with money, get control of it now so you can afford a project in the future. Part of the reason my project's for sale is because I'm sick of being ripped off by credit card companies and banks. Yes, it's all my fault I have the debt and now I want a better life. 2 years ago I had 16 bills I was paying on. Today I've got 3.
And since you have a decent income now, use that to bury your debts. If you only have $400 a month left after bills, then take it and pay off your smallest debt. Pay the minimum on the others until it's gone. Then take the next smallest, and work on it and so on. Write out a budget and know exactly where the other $3200 is going each month. And I bet once you've written out a budget you can find even more money each month.
Sorry to sound like I'm preaching, but I feel very strongly about this subject. Good luck.