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Mini Truckin General \  work hours? what yall think?

work hours? what yall think?

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Lowrider1987   +1y
my only problem is that every Saturday is mandatory and 2 sundays a month are also. My son is only 18 months old so i figure work the 12 hours, save money, have my truck 90% done and this fall and winter when work slows down and we only work 5 8hour days a week then I will have alot of spare time. I see my wife and son a few hours in the morning and when I get home. What i mean by spending time with them is having a day off to go do something. I can't remember the last time we went out to eat or bowling or whatnot. If i get my truck where i want it all I will have left is paint and interior, and i could finish that next year. the way I look at it you will always be in debt. you get everything paid off, then a car goes bad, or your roof leaks, septic tank bursts, there is always gonna be something, so I'm not worried about debt.
Lowrider1987   +1y
i'd like a 9 to 5 job at a body shop, but no one around here will hire you and if they do, you'll just be a tape up man for minimum wage. I'm not saying my son is a mistake, but i couldn't stay out of the "tunnel of Love" and got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. her being a preacher's daughter, we wanted to do the right thing and get married. After about 8 months I lost my job, and just did side jobs till i found a job at a Napa store. With her working and me with my new job, we were making pretty decent cash until she up and decides she wants to quit her job and stay home with our son. Thats fine and dandy, but she had a new car and racked up a bunch of bills herself and i'm paying for them. So my parts store job wasn't paying everything, so I took the factory job, took her car and traded it in on me an SUV. With that being said, i just want to build my truck to a decent perspective and enjoy what i have. i love my wife and my son. Just wished i would have done a few things differently. I'm 21 and have a mortgage, car payment, the usual bills. I make pretty mad cash already, but it doesn't go far since i pay everything. We are confortable, but if i make the extra cash and get my truck to driving standards i will be happy and just work regular hours. So i figure work a mont of 12 hours, get my truck to 90% and then just lay back and let my regular pay stack up.
KEG Media   +1y
if you make that kind of money already and you're not starving id spend the time with your wife and children. they always come first. the truck is just a truck, its replaceable and can get finished anytime. time with your family isnt replacable. id definately spend the time with the fam. my 2 cents
wileypdf   +1y
Everything takes a back seat to family!
seanb   +1y
Not trying to hijack the thread, but Justin you should re-read my previous post. BILLS and DEBT are NOT a fact of life that we should just accept and resign ourselves to being slave to the lender. Do you understand the power you have when you take control of your money? I'm SO STOKED that my wife and I expect to be out of debt in a year or so. You can do it too. And I'm an old kat. You're young and could be a millionaire before you reach my age. A toy can be put on hold until you get clear of the debt collectors. Like Dave Ramsey says, "Live like no one else today so later you can live like no one else." One more thing, in marriage there's no 'her' bills or 'my' bills. You're in it together and they are 'our' bills and we're a 'team'.

I'm gonna' quit preaching this but I want to recommend a book to everyone here. 'The Total Money Makeover' by Dave Ramsey. I promise it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FAMILY TREE.

And Justin, if you will send me your address, I will buy the book and mail it to you. And when you become debt free and your family is set for life, you can return the favor to someone else.
granth   +1y
60+ a week for anytime longer than a month at a time is hell. I worked 12 hour night shifts all winter and I felt like I was a zombie or something. I won't ever do it again. I'd rather be a little less up on my money and know wtf i am doing, than have a fat wallet and sleep ALL DAY, and work ALL NIGHT.

I say do it like you said, in swing shifts, one on one off, if your company is willing to schedule you like that.
Lowrider1987   +1y
I worked 12 hours last night, and now i feel like crap, so i guess you guys were right. i can just stick to my 8 hour days and save my money. maybe work 10 hours a day or so when i need something.
lowhombre   +1y
maybe you could two days a week 12 hours then in the week you could recover. i used to do 60 to 80 hour weeks ever fn week but my new job i work two 16s one 8 and off for 4 days and i make more than double what i used to. good luck man
dssur   +1y
Originally posted by LudeKustoms

Originally posted by Russ-D

Edited: 5/15/2008 12:21:36 PM by Russ-D

6 years later I graduated with an EE degree

When you say EE are you refering to a Electronic Engineer? If so, why type of stuff do you do exactly? Ive been thinking about this field for awhile, but im not really sure what they do. lol Im about ready to complete my AS, so i need to make a decision soon lol.

electrical engineer. I do next level avionics work for the same company I quit in 2001, only now its me standing there with a coffee cup for the guys with no ambition (or maybe they do!) to complain about. Mostly drafting and design type work. ITs very rewarding, I have to say. More rewarding than taking the drawings and installing the gear over and over and over and over and, you get the idea.
Uncle Fester   +1y
Take it from me a guy who has been working on his Ranger for 11 years. In that time I went to college, got married, had a family. They are now getting older and enjoying more of "their" time without parents. Now I get to enjoy a few hours each day to work on my truck and it is coming farther faster and family is not suffering. Set your priorities, mine was my family. The young years are the years the kids know the most and they are the most for their development. Enjoy them while you can. Only get one change.