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Mini Truckin General \  Throwing sparks

Throwing sparks

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 35
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I personally use 3in chunks on an old but very large hydrolic ram. works great!
e10pvmt   +1y
Purple K i believe is the foam used to put it out.....the AFFF you refer to is for class B fuels like gas, oil, etc......a standard ABC extinguisher is only good for class A, B, or C fires which are combustibles, Flammable liquids, and electrical fires respectivly......Class D you are correct on that is combustible metals.....they are specific extinguishers and are loaded with substances like sand to smother the fire but as the video shows they can still burn without Oxygen.....we keep AFFF on board our engines but you are incorrect on using it on has to be added to water to be used and magnesium, as you discussed, reacts violently to the oxygen in burns hot enough that when water is applied it separates the oxygen from the hydrogen molecules and we all know what hydrogen does when a flame is introduced......and oxygen is not flammable but it does support combustion thats why it has a similar warning placard and can be almost as dangerous as a red placard
e10pvmt   +1y
and another note purple K is the dry powder that is loaded into the Class D extinguishers......the afff is a liquid added to the tank on the engines or inducted into the hose stream during firefighting operations....taht shit is cool as hell to spray too....creates a cool "blanket"...almost like its snowing
ShakinPlates   +1y
Originally posted by humanmachinehead

this might be a stupid thought, but i know fireworks add diffrent chemicals to achieve diffrent colors, could the chemicals be used to make different steel alloys to get a colored spark? WELD PLATE, DRILL SMALL HOLES IN IT AND PACK FIREWORK POWDER IN IT AND TAPE IT IN MAYBEE???? IT WOULD TAKE SOME WORKING BUT MIGHT DO THE TRICK

acromexicant   +1y
i cant believe this even a debate?????
unusualfabrication   +1y
This sounds like the most dangerous thread ever! Anyone who has ever machined magnesium knows that when you start cutting on it the little chips come off the cutter in little flames. Also titanium is not soft, its very hard. Any metal or alloy you put under a 3000-4000 pound truck in 2 spots that measures four inches by four inches is going to wear extremely fast no matter what material it is.
nicoloyd   +1y
Originally posted by oneup

plate your frame trailer balls hurt when they come off. If you want different color sparks get a windsheild washer resivour and mount it to spray in front of your drag spot then use different liquids etc it will make diferent color sparks or flames depending on what you use just make sure don't spray to much If you use certain oils mixed with a small amount of kerosene it will actually leave flame trails behind you may not be the safest thing but it does make some pretty sweet shit plus if you make them posable you can turn it to be in front of your tires and spray bleach to do some wicked smoky burn outs

crazygenius13   +1y
The way to catch magnesium on fire is for the entire piece to be at a certain temperature. that's why shards will catch easily. If you have a large piece, like a dash panel reinforcement for some late model vehicles, you have to get the entire length and thickness of it to be above a certain temp. but once it happens. Good luck getting it out. You have to use a Halon extinguisher (I think thaats how it's spelled) and they are like $5000 a piece to buy.
tuckinlugs06   +1y
i think drag block are about the same as only for the weak
mightymini   +1y
well i just got some chromium carbide with some kind of inkanel (not sure on spelling) overlay plate from work (wearplate) and it throws some nice sparks when grinding. I'm gonna try it and see how it works, may even last too.